
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

cancel brexit

Article 50 author says it is possible to cancel Brexit

Article 50 author Lord Kerr has said that it would still be possible for the UK government to cancel Brexit, even if a date for departure is set
tax avoidance crackdown

UK government under pressure to enact tax avoidance crackdown

Theresa May is under pressure to begin a tax avoidance crackdown as the number implicated in the Paradise Papers leak grows
economic impact

Papers detailing the economic impact of Brexit to be released

After extensive campaigning from the Labour party, confidential documents examining the full economic impact of Brexit will be released
National Citizen Service

How local authorities can benefit from National Citizen Service

Government guidance launched to help local authorities benefit further from positive impacts of National Citizen Service, as detailed in this press release
flood scheme

£27 million flood scheme hopes to reduce property damage in Blackpool

A new £27 million flood scheme announced for Blackpool hopes to reduce the risk of flood damage for up to 4,800 coastal properties
living conditions

Asylum seekers in the UK endure ‘slum-like’ living conditions

Charities have said that asylum seekers in the UK are forced to put up with 'squalid' and 'unsafe' living conditions due to neglect
communication with the EU

The UK’s untold stories

EPP-coordinator for REGI, MEP Lambert van Nistelrooij sheds light on the importance of engaging citizens and improving communication with the EU In the Brexit-debates there...
hotline charges

May scraps universal credit hotline charges under “Labour pressure”

Theresa May has backed down over universal credit hotline charges which can cost people up to 55p a minute under intense criticism
energy efficiency

Energy efficiency a win-win for Canada and industry

The Honourable Jim Carr, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, looks at the potential of energy efficiency for the future
drinks containers

Zero Waste Scotland on the government’s drinks containers return scheme

Zero Waste Scotland reveals their thoughts on the Scottish Government’s plans for a drinks containers deposit-return scheme
Scottish government

How the Scottish Government is taking responsibility for global issues

In an exclusive interview, a spokesperson from the Scottish Government speaks to Open Access Government about how Scotland is fighting climate change
importance of cities

The importance of cities as partners in successful governance

Anna Lisa Boni, secretary general, EUROCITIES shares her reflections on the growing importance of cities as agenda setters
leisure centre

How local councils can improve their community leisure centre

Cheryl Hersey from Action PR explains how local councils can make the most of their community leisure centre through investment and marketing
Investment in public parks

Government announces £500,000 investment in public parks

The Ministry of Parks and Green Spaces has announced a new action group dedicated to improving green spaces and investment in public parks
post-brexit trade

Theresa May in Canada for post-Brexit trade talks

Prime Minister Theresa May has kicked off post-Brexit trade negotiations in Canada, advocating the 'shared values' of both countries
military deal

UK offers military deal with the EU post Brexit

The UK government is forging a military deal with the EU that will allow them to share military assets and collaborate on operations after Brexit

Xenophobia fears rise in the face of Brexit negotiations

The government is investigating accusations of EU nationals facing xenophobia in applying for jobs and housing as Brexit negotiations continue
science funding

Ministers seek ambitious British science funding deal post-Brexit

UK ministers are aiming to negotiate an ambitious deal which will afford British science funding programmes special status after Brexit
british coast

Government pledges £40 million to boost the British coast

Towns across the British coast are set to receive a share of the £40 million Coastal Communities fund from the government to boost local economies
Northern Ireland could receive ‘special status’ after Brexit

Northern Ireland could receive ‘special status’ after Brexit

The EU has said that a 'standalone' deal may have to be negotiated for Northern Ireland to allow a 'frictionless' border crossing to the...

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