
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

Theresa May assures public of Japan trade agreement after Brexit

Theresa May has announced a trade agreement with Japanese leader Shinzo Abe set to replace EU trading after Britain cuts ties with Europe

UK food industry warns of shortage of workers post-brexit

The UK food industry has warned that Brexit will lead to a shortage of migrant workers, many of whom work in food processing or farming

Brexit vote sees fall in net migration

Latest estimates suggest that the UK has seen an overall decline in net migration since the country voted to leave the EU last June...

Building success at the Agile Business Conference

Mary Henson from the Agile Business Consortium highlights how the Agile Business Conference on the 4 & 5 October aims to support businesses at an unpredictable time

Stability and instability in the Caucasus: social cohesion

A consortium coordinated by the University of St. Gallen looks at the Caucasus and the importance of social cohesion for stability in the region

Government promises ‘innovative’ approach to customs after Brexit

The UK is proposing an alternative ‘untested’ approach to trade customs which would mean no extra checks at UK/EU borders

Supporting the urban Aboriginal population in Canada

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada explain how the organisation is working to better the lives of the urban Aboriginal population in Canada

Why local government should embrace technology

Andrew Cowling at Fujitsu Scanners outlines how local government could benefit from document management for efficiency gains and a reduction in costs
European Union

The European Union: Challenges or lost opportunities

Kieran McCarthy, a member of the European Committee of the Regions, looks at the European Union and the positive activities that we should focus on

Austerity revolutionising customer service delivery in councils

John McMahon, Product Director at IEG4, an enabler of digital services in the public sector, discusses how austerity in local government is, by necessity, driving a revolution in customer service delivery

Can diversity in cities create social cohesion?

Dr Gideon Bolt, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Geosciences – Utrecht University highlights research into the importance of diversity in cities

Lord Neuberger wants clarity for UK judges after Brexit

The government has been told by Britain’s most senior judge that it must provide clarity about how UK law will be developed after Brexit

UK Brexit negotiations have ‘not begun well’

Ex Foreign Office chief mandarin Sir Simon Fraser believes that Britain has not put forward a clear position in Brexit negotiations.

Government hopes new £15m fund will boost Northern cities

Northern cities will be able to bid for shares of a new development investment from the Great Exhibition of the North

Blockchain provides many opportunities for government

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) explains what Blockchain is and how it is revolutionising the public sector

Brexit: UK to begin first trade negotiations with the US

The first talks are set to go ahead between the UK and the US to outline plans for trade between the two nations after Brexit

Councils to get extra funding to ease pressures from migration

Local councils are to get grants totalling £15 million as part of the Controlling Migration Fund (CMF) to help ease pressures on local services

Brexit negotiations into round two in Brussels

The UK is to continue Brexit talks in Brussels today with four main categories expected to be up for discussion

Kensington and Chelsea Council must take action to restore faith

The new leader of Kensington and Chelsea Council has warned the survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire would “take a generation” to trust the authority again

Settled status for EU citizens is a ‘damp squib’

Theresa May’s offer of settled status for EU citizens does not come close to what should be on the table for EU residents, say EU politicians

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