
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

Devolution has seen mixed and inconclusive results

Local economies have seen a mixed outcome following the devolution of powers to English regions

Cohesion policy offers support for low income member states

Policy must be tailored to help low-income regions catch up. Corina Crețu, Commissioner for Regional Policy, explains how cohesion policy ensures growth

Manufacturers warn cuts may occur due to Brexit uncertainty

A lack of clarity over the direction of Brexit negotiations could see UK manufacturers forced to make difficult cuts

Leisure beyond the leisure centre

Cheryl Hersey of Action PR highlights how the role of leisure centres are changing to become key community hubs which deliver a range of services

Conservatives and DUP finally agree a deal

Following the snap General Election two weeks ago, the Prime Minister has revealed a deal has been struck between the Conservatives and DUP

Brexit rights for EU citizens in the UK are not sufficient

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has warned Brexit rights laid out by PM Theresa May fail to hit the mark

Key legislative plans outlined in the Queen’s Speech

A total of 24 bills were proposed during the Queen’s Speech this morning, including eight relating to Brexit

Brexit negotiations get underway as David Davis starts EU talks

Building a “strong and special partnership” with the EU will be the main theme of Brexit negotiations, says David Davis

Social mobility survey exposes pessimism amongst young people

A survey into social mobility has revealed that half of Brits believe that your background determines success

Conservatives and DUP are said to be close to an agreement

The Conservatives and DUP are said to be close to an agreement to form a coalition government following last week’s election

UK and France unite to tackle online radicalisation

Following the recent atrocities in Paris and the UK, The Prime Minister and French President Macron will meet today to discuss online radicalisation
green brexit

New Cabinet announced with shock return for Gove

Following a surprising election where neither the Labour Party nor Conservatives won the majority, Prime Minister Teresa May has announced her new cabinet

Theresa May faces a hung parliament following shock defeat

In a surprising turn of events, Prime Minister Theresa May is facing a hung parliament and must now fight to form her government

OECD urges next government to focus on boosting productivity

As the country moves to decide the next government, the OECD has called for more investment in projects that will encourage growth and productivity

Security dominates the General Election two days before polling

As the UK braces for yet another election it is the issue of security that is dominating both parties’ election campaign trails

Showcasing 100 years of Estonian art and culture

Sirje Helme, Chief Executive Officer, Art Museum of Estonia shares how Estonian art will be brought to the forefront as the nation celebrates its centennial

IFS says election spending promises are not honest

Neither the Conservatives nor the Labour party are being forthcoming about election spending promises in their manifestos

Conservative manifesto: Overhaul of care and boost for NHS

Tackling the “unfairness” in the social care system is one of the core parts of the Conservative manifesto, it has emerged

Crime against businesses: What is your security strategy?

Tim Strawson, Managing Director of security solutions manufacturer Bradbury Group, analyses 2016’s crime against businesses figures, and offers his advice on how to keep your company safe
Labour manifesto pledges £48.6bn funding for services

Labour manifesto pledges £48.6bn funding for services

Some £48.6bn worth of pledges have been put forward as part of the Labour manifesto and will fund a range of services

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