The latest news and breakthrough developments from the field of cancer research. We bring you the latest updates from organisations looking into diagnosing and treating all types of cancers using the latest scientific advancements and what is being done to improve patient care.
After the NHS announced the launch of their first ever breast cancer screening campaign, tens of thousands of women have been accessing vital advice on attending mammograms.
Sir Harpal Kumar, former CEO of Cancer Research UK, outlines his vision for cancer in the future and said that earlier diagnosis would enable the UK to catch up with its international counterparts in terms of survival rates and would also make the NHS more efficient
Prime Minister Theresa May has announced a further £75m in funding for “earlier and faster” diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, which kills more than 10,000 men each year
Europa Uomo – European Prostate Cancer Coalition Secretary, John Dowling shares his thoughts on the prostate gland, described as a most troublesome piece of tissue.
Researchers have identified a new stem cell pathway that allows triple-negative breast cancer to thrive, with their findings potentially pointing the way towards more effective treatments
Bethany Torr, campaigns and advocacy officer at Leukaemia Care discusses the impact of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) on patients
Professor Jatinder Lamba from the Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research gives an in-depth perspective on acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and cytarabine pharmacogenomics
Acute myeloid...
Dr Miranda Fidler from the International Agency for Research on Cancer highlights the burden of cancer and the need for prevention, diagnosis, and care
All.Can shares their profound insights into the challenges concerning the need to improve the efficiency of cancer care, focusing on better outcomes for patients
Experts from the Lymphoma Association offer their thoughts on the extent of lymphoma in the UK today and how treatment and diagnosis can improve