The latest news and breakthrough developments from the field of cancer research. We bring you the latest updates from organisations looking into diagnosing and treating all types of cancers using the latest scientific advancements and what is being done to improve patient care.
After the NHS announced the launch of their first ever breast cancer screening campaign, tens of thousands of women have been accessing vital advice on attending mammograms.
Cervical cancer is a disease affecting thousands of women in the UK with around 3,200 new cases diagnosed every year, can developments in cervical screening and digital cytology help?
Sabine Mai and Aline Rangel-Pozzo, at the CancerCare Manitoba Research Institute and The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, discuss genomic instability in relation to 3D spatial organization of telomeres.
Banning commercially available indoor tanning beds would prevent skin cancer and reduce deaths from the most serious form of skin cancer known as melanoma.
Sean Lawler, Associate Professor at Brown University, explains solving the riddle when it comes to the cytomegalovirus virus and the lethal brain tumour, glioblastoma.
Sabine Mai and Aline Rangel-Pozzo from CancerCare Manitoba Research Institute, The University of Manitoba, explore how 3D imaging and quantitative analysis provide key insights into genomic instability.
Here we learn from Biljana Stangeland, PhD, Executive Director, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder at Alv B AS, about exciting new developments in therapeutic feline and canine cancer vaccine.
Hernando Lopez-Bertoni, explores the new wave of molecular cancer therapeutics and states the case for learning the mechanisms as a pro, so one can target them as an artist.
Dr Stephen Barnhill MD, CEO of Apollon Formularies Plc, examines medical cannabis and the future of cancer treatments across the UK and the European healthcare sectors.