Piyush Mahapatra, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and chief innovation officer at Open Medical, considers the latest consultation on the future of the NHS and argues that what is needed is not a new vision but a plan for delivery and some radical new thinking on the role of healthcare technology.
To transform the public sector under increasing pressure, governments need data sharing, which most importantly needs to be high-quality and accessible.
Mike Braithwaite, Managing Director at MDB, walks us through bridging the UK innovation gap, focussing on G-Cloud & the challenges around public and private sector collaboration.
It is crucial that effective measures are put in place to counter the strength of modern cyber threats, not just relying on mobile-based authentication.
Michael Wuestefeld-Gray, the Managing Director at WuDo Solutions, explains the framework needed to generate effective Information Governance for organisations.
Can the implementation of digital medication audits improve data transparency and accessibility, while reducing medication incidents and improving outcomes?
Crown Commercial Service explain enabling the best pricing on core services for the public sector by looking at the Mobile Voice and Data Services agreement update.
The user experience is key to sufficient and operational digital public services, with the potential to reimagine communications and marketing opportunities.
Emily Paulding, Senior Project Officer at Kent County Council, discusses how councils can help bridge the digital divide for elderly and vulnerable residents.
The digital transformation occurring in workspaces is a surging movement reinventing business as we know it – redefining offices, business strategy, and work culture