Piyush Mahapatra, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and chief innovation officer at Open Medical, considers the latest consultation on the future of the NHS and argues that what is needed is not a new vision but a plan for delivery and some radical new thinking on the role of healthcare technology.
Louise Grabo, President of the EESC's Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market, looks at a green and digital recovery in Europe after the COVID crisis.
Alex Covey, Partner – People & Culture, Tessiant, discusses the importance of combining technology and culture for a successful digital strategy transformation.
Bryan Oak, Chief Operating Officer of Searchlight Consulting, highlights the importance of preparation and alignment when planning a successful ERP-based, or any technology-enabled change programme.
Justin Nogarede, FEPS Digital Policy Analyst, says that while digital tech can’t solve everything, can it solve anything? Read on to find out about the role of digital tech in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Will Callaghan, Product Lead for LocalGov Drupal, explains how collaborative working across 10 councils has provided better services for citizens during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Nick Smee, CEO of Yotta, explores the digital resident demands and funding issues that councils face may this year and considers the steps they can to take re-evaluate their technology investments, reduce operational costs and better manage budget allocation.
Leading smart infrastructure solutions company Costain discusses the countless benefits of setting up the right data-sharing platform to help organisations transform business performance and meet carbon reduction targets.
When rethinking service transformation, the focus should be on reshaping - Christopher Sly, AVP, Digital Transformation, HGS UK, explains why knowing the limitations to emerging tech reshapes a far greater value story.
The new digital hardware framework could save the NHS and wider public sector up to £250 million - building on the success of many services transitioning to remote working.
SDG Group is a global data and analytics consulting firm, offering in-depth expertise that empowers its clients’ strategies to become data-driven enterprises and bridges the gap between data and business decisions.
Ritam Gandhi, Founder and Director, Studio Graphene, discusses how and why large businesses are preparing to lead the charge when it comes to digital innovation in 2021.