The latest education news and what is being done to deliver fairer educational services to all individuals. We cover topics such as special educational needs (SEND), child mental health, women’s place in STEM, plus updates on fees and educational policy.
The UK has allocated £1 million in funding to 16 ed-tech companies to develop AI tools that hopefully reduce the time teachers spend on marking and providing personalised student feedback.
Andrea Welter, assistant head teacher from Pheasey Park Primary School, explains why successful catch-up programmes in education need to focus on closing the literacy gap.
Open Access Government discuss Japan’s focus on supporting young researchers to help achieve the country’s scientific research and development goals when studying in Japan.
Joe Miller, general manager of the Americas and Europe, Pocketalk, looks at the language issues in education and the solutions that can help those learning English.
Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Director & Professor in Early Childhood Pedagogy from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, lifts the lid on NORCHILD, a unique research school for early childhood education & care.
Clarifying what kind of support is provided by universities in Scotland, as ‘Corporate Parents’, to children and young people who have experienced social care in the UK in comparison with Japan.
Katy Pinchess, headteacher, talks about how Bentley CE Primary School is identifying and supporting children’s literacy skills to boost confidence as well as reading progress.
A flexible approach is key to ensure the teaching of phonics can be personalised for children with special educational needs, says Katrina Cochrane, at Lexplore Analytics.
Acknowledging pleasure as a key driver of sexual behaviour has more success in teaching safe sex than traditional sex education – as well as targeting STI/HIV risk reduction.
Anantha Duraiappah, Director at UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), describes a new social contract for education, including why science and evidence matter.