The latest education news and what is being done to deliver fairer educational services to all individuals. We cover topics such as special educational needs (SEND), child mental health, women’s place in STEM, plus updates on fees and educational policy.
Acknowledging pleasure as a key driver of sexual behaviour has more success in teaching safe sex than traditional sex education – as well as targeting STI/HIV risk reduction.
Anantha Duraiappah, Director at UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), describes a new social contract for education, including why science and evidence matter.
Many teachers took on ‘humanitarian roles’ during COVID-19 school closures, aiming to improve girls’ education - as well as providing healthcare and safeguarding.
Tatjana Babrauskienė from the European Economic and Social Committee, Workers’ Group (Group II), walks us through blended learning, underlining a strategic rather than reactive approach to change.
To inspire more Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students into postgraduate research, Durham university have introduced a £2.5 million scheme to diversify their education programmes.
Teaching children about healthy habits can achieve lasting lifestyle changes, lowering cardiovascular disease risk through a multidisciplinary approach.
Issues with diversity have occurred in school curriculums across the UK, but a national survey of teachers has noted history classes are incorporating more representation into their lessons.
Joy Mbakwe, Head of English at Lilian Baylis Technology College, discusses an ongoing issue in education - the absence of a diverse curriculum in classrooms around the UK.