
Math inclusivity: The universal language of progress

Josh Blackburn, CEO of online tutoring company TLC LIVE, discusses how we can use mathematics as a tool for growth and inclusivity.

Emerging pedagogy and secured practices for adopting e-learning

Dr Preethi Kesavan, Head of School of Technology at LSBF Singapore, ponders the innovative teaching and learning methodologies that educators must employ when implementing e-learning.

Digital assessment could be the answer to closing the digital skills gap

Peter Collison, Head of Formative Assessment and School Platforms at RM, explores what the education sector can do to help reduce the gap between digital skills and demand.

World Youth Skills Day: How has the pandemic affected the future of the tech industry?

In recognition of World Youth Skills Day, a group of technology industry leaders discuss the impact of the pandemic on young people, and in particular what this is going to hold for the future of the technology industry.

Interactive touchscreen technology can improve student engagement

Nadav Avni, Chief Marketing Officer at Radix Technologies, discusses the benefits of interactive touchscreens for students including improving learning results and encouraging inclusivity.

Adverse Childhood Experiences project given £3.8 million funding

The Adverse Childhood Experiences project, led by Professor Kam Bhui and Professor Eunice Ma, aims to create interventions for children who suffer from life-shaping trauma.

Universities bridging the digital divide through social mobility

Sean Lowry, Group Chief Technology Officer at Glide, explores the widening digital divide in the UK and how the end of lockdown will see increased social mobility, especially amongst young people who are applying for universities.

Why AI-powered EdTech is the future of life-long learning

Aliki Constantinou, Educational Consultant,, delves into the importance of debate in education and how AI-powered EdTech can enhance discursive learning.

Assessing children’s post-lockdown reading development

Pamela Hanigan and Rachel Gelder, founders of Lancashire Dyslexia Information Guidance and Support (LDIGS), explain how teachers and SENDCos can assess children's post-lockdown reading development to give the best support to their learning back in the classroom.

Challenges for undergraduate and graduate medical education

Maximilian Buja, MD from McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, highlights challenges in imparting clinical skills in contemporary undergraduate medical education & graduate medical education.

What kind of HR does Japan need?

This article summarises what has been done so far in Japanese higher education to develop advanced human resources (HR), which highlights the lack of programmes and teaching materials, and argues for the need to develop advanced learning support personnel (LSP).

Online education to support digital skills training for economic growth 

Digitalisation continues to grow in many sectors, resulting in significant demand for skills-based education and training - Here, Professor Neil Morris argues for growth of online education.

Closing education gaps with the NextGeneration EU recovery plan

Salvatore Nigro, CEO of JA Europe and Andzelika Rusteikienė CEO of JA Lithuania, discuss why the NextGeneration EU recovery plan must close the gaps in education that the COVID-19 crisis has exposed.

What the new IR35 off-payroll regulations mean for private sector firms

Debbie Sadler, senior associate in the employment team at Blaser Mills Law, discusses what the new IR35 off-payroll regulations mean for private sector firms and how they can ensure compliance.

Why collaboration is the key to generating value from research data

Enzo Brienza, sales manager, InterSystems, discusses why higher education institutions need to consider collaboration with other organisations to generate value from research data.

How can VR help students make career decisions?

BTEC Quality Nominee, careers co-ordinator and music teacher, Emma Gaukroger from Greenwood Academy discusses how technology can help students with careers guidance.

Researchers reveal exercises to help children with mathematics

The research team at Karolinska Institutet found that visual working memory and reasoning tasks helped children with mathematics skills.


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