
Math inclusivity: The universal language of progress

Josh Blackburn, CEO of online tutoring company TLC LIVE, discusses how we can use mathematics as a tool for growth and inclusivity.

Vulnerable pupils could fall behind by 36% in education

The National Audit Office released a report on the UK Government handling of primary and secondary remote learning during COVID-19 - they suggest the Government assess long-term impact on vulnerable pupils or risk an irreversible divide.

Openness: Key for universities in the 2020s

European University Association President, Michael Murphy, argues that openness is key for the success of universities in the new decade.

The importance of lifewide learning in post-pandemic careers

As the working world is changing forever, Nicola Urquhart, Lecturer in Careers and Employability at the University of Kent, explains in National Careers Week why post-graduate study is the key to future professional development.

Digital learning transformation programme

Alex Drinkall, Communications and Stakeholder Lead, and Martin Sinclair, Programme Lead at Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare, educate us about the digital learning transformation programme.

Role & responsibility of education in medical professionalism

Here, L. Maximilian Buja, MD, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, McGovern Medical School, details the role and responsibility of medical education in medical professionalism.

Stress is the most common reason that teachers change careers

With COVID-19 limitations, the profession of teaching has changed in unprecedented ways - however, public school teachers experienced high levels of stress even before the public health crisis.

Humanitarian Engineering: Co-creating with communities

The Humanitarian Engineering Program at the Colorado School of Mines teaches engineers to work as partners with society.

New Zealand will give free menstrual products to decrease period poverty

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is going to implement a new policy - students will receive free menstrual products from June, to decrease the period poverty that limits access to education.

Student nurse applications increase by one third in 2021

After COVID-19 hit the NHS, the public health crisis highlighted the poignant and essential nature of nursing work - leading to student nurse applications increasing to 60,130 for 2021.

School children to be offered two COVID tests a week after lockdown

A leaked plan for the re-opening of schools lists a measure to provide two COVID tests a week, to school children who have returned to education.

Researchers identify young adults who are facing elevated anxiety

The study looks at behaviour traits at the age of 15, that signal if individuals could be at risk of elevated anxiety three years in the future.

The app going up against centuries of education inequality

Nishat spoke to Tania Rosas who launched O-lab, the app created to fight education inequality for Indigenous students.

UK Government allocates £50 million to support students during pandemic

The UK Government has allocated an additional £50 million to support students facing financial pressures from the pandemic.

The rise of the digital learning platform

Online courses have popped up in many different sectors but can they deliver what they promise, and how do attendees ensure they get the best results from enrolling on one of these courses?

Pupil engagement and motivation remains concern for schools teaching remotely

New Ofsted report reveals parents and school leaders are concerned about pupil engagement and motivation during remote learning.

Gaming careers driving next generation of creativity

Newcastle College provide insight into the creative roles that are helping the gaming industry to grow, and the career opportunities that potential students may not have known existed.


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