
Math inclusivity: The universal language of progress

Josh Blackburn, CEO of online tutoring company TLC LIVE, discusses how we can use mathematics as a tool for growth and inclusivity.

Will increased COVID-19 testing keep children in schools?

Abdullah Sabyah, Founder and CEO Rightangled, discusses the need to overhaul the government’s approach to coronavirus testing in schools and explores how home-based private testing can ensure children continue to receive the education they need.

Global digital divide jeopardises remote learning during pandemic

Dr Ronda Zelezny-Green, Global Head of Training and eLearning at the Internet Society, looks at the global digital divide and the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on remote learning.

Schools should discuss social media with students

Unsah Malik, social media professional, gives her opinion on why schools should be addressing social media with students instead of ignoring it.

Have COVID-19 school closures impacted academic achievement?

The American Education Research Association discusses initial insights onto how COVID-19 school closures in Spring 2020 impacted student learning.

Demonstrator Programme helps schools meet the challenges of remote learning

Here we report on the EdTech Demonstrator Programme funded by the Department of Education to help schools and colleges meet the challenges of remote teaching and learning as the second wave of COVID strikes.

The Government must take steps to attract international students

James Pitman, Managing Director of Study Group, argues that the UK must capitalise on restrictive measures implemented against international students in the U.S. and Australia or the economy could lose £20 billion plus net contribution.

Ethnic minority students experience disproportionate access to postgraduate studies

Research England and the Office for Students (OfS) are investing £6 million and £2 million into projects to improve access and participation in postgraduate research study (PGR) for Black, Asian and minority ethnic students.

The importance of active and outdoor learning

Nigel Miller, managing director of Active Learning Group, highlights the importance of outdoor learning after a survey revealed students have been missing out on valuable experiences due to COVID-19.

How to implement an effective crisis management system in schools

Adam Enterkin, SVP EMEA, BlackBerry, provides practical advice for the education sector to bring its secure communication plans back up to date with an effective crisis management system.

Are online schools the future of Education?

David McCarthy, Director of Education at Sophia High School, answers the question as to whether online schools are the future of Education by reflecting on past mistakes and learning from them.

7% of US schools in poorer, ethnic minority populations will open

Data suggests that only 7% of US schools in poorer, ethnic minority populations will open fully this Autumn - policy-makers are struggling between access to education and protection from infection.

How can we encourage change in leadership roles?

Chris Lewis and Pippa Malmgren, Authors of The Infinite Leader, discuss how the current education system must change in order to develop leadership roles.

The impact of face coverings on Deaf students

Clare Vale, managing director of Sign Solutions, discusses the impact face coverings have on Deaf university students and how communication can be improved.

Why universities must put their best foot forward with digital infrastructure

Andrew Proctor, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Digital), Staffordshire University, discusses the need for universities to focus on improving digital infrastructure and giving students the support they need to study remotely.

Digital EHC pathways: Boosting access to support for children with SEN

Chris Evans, Head of Product & Strategy at Idox, explores the challenges around education, health and care plan assessments and how technology can help to make them more streamlined for children with SEN, parents/carers and local authorities involved.

How shipping container libraries can help save the public library crisis

Johnathan Bulmer, MD at Cleveland Containers, explores why libraries built out of containers can extend social development areas, create an experience, be less expensive to run, and less harmful to the environment to build.


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