The latest education news and what is being done to deliver fairer educational services to all individuals. We cover topics such as special educational needs (SEND), child mental health, women’s place in STEM, plus updates on fees and educational policy.
Stewart Watts, Vice President EMEA, D2L, outlines the background of the EU Web Accessibility Directive and discusses its increased importance given the context of the increased move to online learning we’ve seen due to COVID.
Matt Hall, Assistant Director of IT at Bournemouth University, explores the challenges that university IT teams are facing as they support an increase in remote learning.
Open Access Government investigates Portugal’s current strategies for improving research and innovation post COVID-19, and finds that knowledge and education are key.
Martin Taylor, Deputy CEO at Content Guru, discusses what universities must do, in these strange times and in respect to their technology, to maintain student satisfaction.
In light of schools reopening at the beginning of the month, Simon Carter, Director at RM Education, highlights what is to be expected from the new academic year post-lockdown.
Scientists from the University of Konstanz and Thurgau University of Teacher Education investigate the importance of social pretend play for children’s social-emotional development, suggesting educational strategies to support children’s play.
A new study of 8 to 11 year olds shows an association between heavy screen time and poorer reading performance, as well as between heavy computer use and poorer numeracy.
Maximilian Buja, MD, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, focuses on disruptive change in medical education, including its impact on faculty.
Simon Barnes from TLC LIVE explores why the latest U-Turn on GCSE & A Level exam results could result in children outside of mainstream education falling even further behind as they did not receive predicted grades and will have to sit exams in autumn.
In this article, Fulcare explores the ways in which schools and other academic institutes can function with safe processes in place and work towards a low touch economy.
Colin Hegarty, founder of HegartyMaths and Education and Schools Director at Sparx, explores why schools should focus on edtech tools that encourage active engagement and personalisation as they prepare for further months of blended learning.
Dr John Yardley, Managing Director of Threads Software Ltd, precisely outlines the value of studying both mathematics and computer science together, and why students...
Amanda Crowfoot, Secretary-General of the European University Association, examines what the future holds for universities in Europe beyond the COVID-19 crisis.