
Math inclusivity: The universal language of progress

Josh Blackburn, CEO of online tutoring company TLC LIVE, discusses how we can use mathematics as a tool for growth and inclusivity.

Reconciliation in a higher education context: Tensions and challenges

Dawn Zinga, Associate Professor and Chair at the Department of Child and Youth Studies at Brock University explores reconciliation in a higher education context, by detailing the tensions and challenges in this area

Centre for Doctoral Training in Prosthetics and Orthotics

The UK is set to train many more highly skilled engineers in prosthetics and orthotics following the announcement of a new global centre of excellence based at the University of Salford.

Providing a path to advanced degrees in biomedical fields

The NYU Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences aims to train the next generation of scientists to make breakthroughs and advances in society at large, explains Naoko Tanese.

NHS staff can now upskill in revolutionary Genomic medicine at Swansea University

Swansea University Medical School’s Master’s degree in genomic medicine has been designed to help NHS staff to understand and use the growing personalised medicine approach.

Prospects shuts down 75 fake universities in UK

75 websites fraudulently offering UK degrees have been closed since Prospects was appointed by the government to investigate bogus institutions in 2015.

Spring clean your school security

The Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) issues security guidance for school security ahead of the spring bank holidays.

Report examines origins of ‘maths anxiety’

A recent report examines the origins of ‘maths anxiety’ among primary and secondary school students which disproportionately affects girls.

Is the UK education system equipped to look after children with special educational needs?

Where The Trade Buys conduct a study to explore how well equipped the UK education system is to look after children with special educational needs (SEN).

Specialist teachers for deaf children battling with stress, workload and long hours

Specialist teachers for deaf children are battling stress, spiralling workloads and excessive hours as the system falls into crisis, the National Deaf Children’s Society has warned.

More action required to support young people with speech, language and communication needs

Leading organisations have come together to urge the Government to do more to improve support for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

Parents lack confidence in helping their children with homework

According to new research by Oxford Home Schooling, only a third of parents feel confident helping their children with homework.

Students felt pressured to go to university by school teachers

New research looking into the benefit of apprenticeships has revealed that 64% of Britons felt pressured to go to university by teachers whilst they were at school, and a further 41% felt pressured by their parents.

Fashion design scholarship for BAME students

An online marketplace is offering a fashion designer from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background a £2,000 scholarship and free manufacturing of their design, to address the diversity issue within the industry.

How WiFi is transforming the student experience

Will Evans, Director at Performance Networks discusses how WiFi is transforming the student experience and delves into mental health, collaboration, concentration and how it's helping "luxury of choice."

All UK children will learn about mental health

Three new subjects will be universal from 2020 to ensure school prepares pupils for the world and all children will learn about mental health - health education, relationships education and RSE.

Teenagers unsure of where their education and careers are heading

New research has revealed that almost a third of British teenagers are worried that the next few years of their education may be a ‘waste of time’ and are unsure as to where their education and careers are heading.


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