The latest education news and what is being done to deliver fairer educational services to all individuals. We cover topics such as special educational needs (SEND), child mental health, women’s place in STEM, plus updates on fees and educational policy.
The latest NEET statistics from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) report paints a disconcerting picture of UK Education and Skills in 2023 for young people. For those aged 16 to 24, over 1 in 10 are NEET (not engaged in education, employment, or training).
In December, the House of Lords called for an urgent overhaul of education, especially at the secondary level, arguing the current focus is now almost entirely academically focused, at the expense of a broader range of knowledge, skills and behaviours.
Jess O'Dwyer, general manager for Europe at Pocketalk, explains how tech can address language barriers and transform a child's learning with English as an additional language.
Magda Wood, Chief of Learning at Micro:bit Educational Foundation, walks us through diversity in STEM education, focussing on three things to rethink on the path to more inclusivity in tech.
The Department for Education (DfE) in England has proposed an extension of support measures for GCSE students in their maths and science exams amid efforts to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Open Access Government examines the priorities of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology, including a look at AI in education, plus digital equity for all learners.
Experienced teachers and leaders Rachel Ball and Alex Fairlamb, authors of What is history teaching, now?, John Catt Educational, discuss the importance of history education and why it continues to matter today.
Advance HE's recent report emphasises the essential role of technical skills in Higher Education's professional development, driven by technology's transformative potential.
Matthew Deeprose, Senior Learning Designer at the University of Southampton, believes that established community collaboration is crucial in fostering education, awareness, and best practices in accessibility.