
Open Access Government highlights the latest education news in the UK. Analysis of schools, colleges, universities, further and higher education and teaching is also available.

We have articles on special needs in education and the growing understanding of child mental health. Articles are also available concerning university fees and policy changes within higher education. Popular topics such as Women’s place in STEM subjects and the growth and importance of the digital transformation in education.

You will also be able to find articles on teachers experiences and the increase in apprenticeships across the UK within this category.

outstanding school places

Poor children losing out on outstanding school places

New analysis of official figures shows that outstanding school places in England are not being offered to poor children who live nearby A blog by...

Teacher job adverts cost secondary schools £56m

According to new figures from Labour secondary schools spent a whopping £56m on advertising for teaching positions last year The recruitment crisis in teaching is...

Female graduates less likely to apply for top jobs

New research has revealed women are less likely to apply for top graduate jobs despite being more likely to get them A new survey from...
Oxfordshire schools

Oxfordshire schools sitting on £9m central government funding

Oxfordshire schools have come under fire for hoarding almost £9m funding from central government, rather than spending it on teaching

Only a third of students think university is “good value for money”

According to a survey the number of students who think that university is good “value for money” has fallen The Student Academic Experience Survey of 15,000...

Ofsted issues warning about low education standards in East Midlands

Education standards in the East Midlands are distinctly second division, warns Ofsted chief inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw highlighted figures showing the East Midlands as the...

UK university raises female wages to close pay gap

The University of Essex is to give its female professors a one-off salary hike to close the gender pay gap with their male colleagues The university...
grammar school

Kent CC to improve social mobility through grammar school access

Recommendations have been put forward to help improve social mobility across Kent by ensuring children from all backgrounds have access to grammar school education A...
pupils character

Schools to receive funding boost to help develop pupils character

A £6 million funding boost aimed at improving pupils character traits such as resilience and respect is now welcoming applications Children and Families Minister Edward...
university fees

University fees to increase through new Government plans

Minister Jo Johnson has unveiled new plans increase university fee with an aim to increase teaching standards in institutes across England

Families pay double for vacations during school holidays

The cost of family vacations abroad doubles during the school holidays, according to a new survey A new survey has revealed the cost of taking...

Council works with schools to attract teachers

Essex County Council is working alongside local schools in a bid to increase teacher recruitment in the region A new strategic group has been formed...

Academies underperform compared to state-run schools

New analysis from the Local Government Association has revealed that state-run schools outperform academies by a marginal difference
the EU

Schools could teach mandatory classes about the EU

Mandatory classes to teach children about the EU could be implemented across Europe in a bid to overcome Euroscepticism Criticism has been levelled at the...

The ESRC HIVE-PED delivers expert research seminars

The ESRC-funded Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy (HIVE-PED) research seminar series has organised and delivered nine expert seminars and two conferences during 2013-16, with a focus on research findings on parity, progression and social mobility in England.

Internationalisation through the Linnaeus-Palme programme

The Swedish Council for Higher Education outlines the benefits of exchange programmes such as Linnaeus-Palme… Linnaeus-Palme is an international exchange programme that supports long-term, bilateral...

Stoical leadership in a ‘bear market’ in higher and further education

Professor Jill Jameson, Professor of Education and Director, Centre for Leadership and Enterprise at the University of Greenwich discusses stoical leadership... In 2016, in a difficult global environment,...

Poor educational performance – the challenge for individuals and nations

Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at the OECD highlights the long term consequences of poor performing students and the importance of reducing...
careers advice

Schools must push apprenticeships when offering careers advice

A new law will ensure schools give equal exposure to non-academic career routes … School career guidance must highlight non-academic routes as well as academic....

Teaching unions unite to tackle recruitment crisis

A number of teaching unions have come together to tackle the looming recruitment crisis and to improve the financial outlook for schools… The public sector...

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