
UK government supports Scotland’s floating offshore wind industry with £55 million grant

The Port of Cromarty Firth in Scotland is expected to become a major hub for the UK's floating offshore wind sector due to a £55 million investment from the UK government.

Researchers use people wearing streetwear to collect solar energy

Like something from a sci-fi film, a team of researchers have found a way to collect solar energy from streetwear that people are wearing.

The state of the oil industry in 2020 and beyond

Henry Berry, Director at the UK oil company, Tristone Holdings Ltd, notes that whilst the oil industry has seen considerable changes in 2020 already, there will undoubtedly be many more come.

Making net-zero easier by embracing solutions for heat, transport and electricity

Andrew Smallbone, Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering, University of Durham and Durham Energy Institute Fellow, explores how net-zero can be made easier by embracing solutions for heat, transport and electricity together.

Racell PVT in combination with ATES seasonal storage

Here, Peder Vejsig Pedersen, European Green Cities, tells us about the latest Racell PVT technology which has been combined with Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) to be used for seasonal storage.

Tackling inefficiencies in buildings to aid a more sustainable urban environment

Ursula Barr explores the role of IoT energy management systems in solving operational efficiencies, especially for the sustainable urban environment.

Fuelling the bioeconomy through U.S. innovation and collaboration

Insight into the emerging bioeconomy, is provided here by Michael Berube, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy.

Building energy efficiency as part of your carbon commitment

Paul Wells, CEO of IM&M, discusses how changing your energy consumption as part of your Intelligent Building Strategy can have a huge impact on both cost and energy usage.

Solid Oxide cells: Powering a net zero carbon economy

Here, Professor Stephen Skinner, Imperial College London, discusses the potential of solid oxide cells to meet our future energy needs with reduced carbon emissions.

How the energy sector can contribute to Europe’s economic recovery

Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Energy Director General of the European Commission explains how the energy sector can contribute to Europe’s economic recovery.

Heat pumps are vital for decarbonising London’s energy sector

According to a new report, decarbonising the heat sector with mass deployment of heat pumps is critical to London achieving net zero emission targets.

Energy policy: Reliable, affordable, and clean

Open Access Government explores the priorities of the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy for ensuring that the UK has secure energy supplies that are reliable, affordable, and clean.

District heating: Operation and maintenance

Here, Rie Krabsen and Erik Christiansen of EBO Consult continue to disclose the ins and out of district heating, in particular, discussing operation and maintenance.

The role of heat networks in net zero delivery

Ian Allan, Head of Market Strategy for Switch2 Energy explains how next generation heat networks can help deliver on the UK’s net zero target.

Decarbonisation and energy transformation: Electric utilities

Vicky Sins at the World Benchmarking Alliance tells us about decarbonisation and energy transformation and says it’s time electric utilities switch on.

UK Energy policy: A green recovery with technology

Rachel Eyres, Client Director and Market Unit Leader – Industry at Expleo Group shares her thoughts on spearheading a green recovery with technology in this UK energy policy analysis.

Metering and monitoring made simple

Here, we discover the numerous benefits of metering, sub metering and how Orsis is providing simple solutions to monitor energy consumption.


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