
“On Hydrogen”: Parliament hears urgent call for coherent UK Hydrogen Strategy

Parliament convened to address the UK's hydrogen future, launching "On Hydrogen." University of Manchester experts presented research, prompting discussions on low-carbon production, storage, and policy, aiming to shape a robust hydrogen economy.

Decarbonising the electricity system: Time to act now

The Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) examine the success rate of countries lowering emissions in order to reach new environmental and energy security goals, in a new report.

EU invests a further €800 million in energy infrastructure

EU Member States have voted on a Commission proposal to invest almost €800 million in key European energy infrastructure projects.

Hungary plans to ditch coal by 2030 and become fully reliant on renewable energy

Following yet another hike in the European Union’s emissions trading system (ETS) in its fight against climate change, Hungary has announced that it aims to phase out its use of coal and be fully reliant on renewable energy sources by 2030

“New nuclear” still huge opportunity for businesses despite Wylfa suspension

Clarke Willmott is calling on businesses to develop their capabilities in the wake of news that operations at Wylfa nuclear power station were suspended.

Renewable energy support package given to Lithuania

European Commission approves renewable energy support package to Lithuania worth EUR 1.24 billion in push for energy autonomy.

Clean energy investment exeeded $300 billion in 2018

Global clean energy investment[1] totalled $332.1 billion in 2018, the fifth in a row in which investment exceeded the $300 billion mark.

India to contribute 15% of Asia’s crude oil refining capacity in 2023

India, the second largest contributor to Asia’s crude oil refining capacity, is expected to contribute 15% of Asia’s crude oil refining capacity in 2023.

Clair Perry urged to re-examine renewable energies policy

Gareth Miller has sent Claire Perry MP a letter calling for the government to urgently re-examine its renewable energies policy.

Are solar energy farms the answer to renewable energy?

"Government are planning to close all coal power stations.” So it is time to enter a new era of renewable energy and solar energy farms could be the answer.

How to keep your home energy efficient

With a hike in home energy prices and the need to preserve resources, it is time to become energy efficient to cut bills and protect the future of the planet.

Asia-Pacific will lead global solar PV market

Asia-Pacific (APAC) region will continue to influence the global solar PV module market over the forecast period 2018-2022, according to GlobalData.

Solar powered households guaranteed payment for power provided back to grid

Households and businesses installing new solar panels will be guaranteed payment for power provided back to the grid under government proposals.

Solar energy investment predicted to grow in 2019

The removal of tariffs on Chinese-made solar panels plus a shift in attitude towards renewables are set to give the European Union a 12% share of the global solar module market.

Synthetic fuels and green hydrogen from organic waste biomass

The ToSynFuel project concerns synthetic fuels and green hydrogen from organic waste biomass.

The adaptation of coal for green future: Making the black greener

The adaptation of coal for green future is detailed here by Aleksander Sobolewski and Anna Kwiecińska from the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal in Poland.

Research success: Renewable fuels from the sun to green gas

The Horizon 2020 project, STORE&GO opens their second PtG demonstration site concerning renewable fuels. The results of this project in Brussels are revealed to us here by Dr Frank Graf.


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