
“On Hydrogen”: Parliament hears urgent call for coherent UK Hydrogen Strategy

Parliament convened to address the UK's hydrogen future, launching "On Hydrogen." University of Manchester experts presented research, prompting discussions on low-carbon production, storage, and policy, aiming to shape a robust hydrogen economy.

Consultation on community involvement in shale gas proposals launched

Shale gas developers could be required to consult local communities, even before submitting a planning application, following the launch of the latest government consultation

Ocean energy: Time to unleash the current

Gesine Meissner MEP, Special Envoy to the President of the European Parliament on Maritime Policy, shares her thoughts on ocean energy and why now is the time to unleash the current so that renewable technologies in Europe are pushed forward

Turning buildings into power stations: The UK’s first energy-positive office

Dr Justin Searle at Swansea University, discusses low carbon affordable buildings and energy-positive structures.

Tech and the shared responsibility of a greener future

Independent energy consultant Joss Clarke believes tech innovations have shown the future can be bright, but the whole sector needs to do its part to make a greener future

ScottishPower first in UK to change to 100% wind power

ScottishPower has become the UK's first to exit completely from coal and gas to wind power after selling generation assets, worth £702 million, to Drax.

SAP 10: lifting the handbrake on how we decarbonise heat in the UK

Kevin Stickney, Managing Director of Erda Energy, argues recent building assessment factor updates are an overdue (and incomplete) corrective offering a glimpse of the UK’s electrified future for heating.

Climate experts advise government on net zero emissions target

Climate experts will advise the government on whether the UK should set a date for a net zero emissions target as the first ever Green GB & NI week launches

Russia will contribute 75% of Former Soviet Union’s oil and gas pipeline additions to 2022

Russia is forecast to add the highest trunk pipeline length in the Former Soviet Union oil and gas pipeline industry between 2018 and 2022

Greece receives EU funding to become first member state to use solar power to reduce power outages

As lithium-ion battery prices fall, Greece receives EUR 12.5 million in EU funding to become first member state to use solar power as a way of reducing power outages

Renewable energy set for boost in Spain as government suspends solar power tax

The recently elected Spanish government is set to suspend the country’s controversial 7% solar power tax, as it seeks to move towards renewables and lower the cost of electricity bills for families with solar panels fitted to their homes

The Flexible Heat and Power (FHP) project: Distribution grid connected power to heat resources

Chris Caerts, Product Manager at VITO, detail the FHP (Flexible Heat and Power) dynamic coalitions of distribution grid connected power to heat resources project and how this could provide local and system level services throughout Europe

Why utility companies need to look at agile mobile applications in order to increase productivity

The public utility space is a competitive one, and as this competition continues to increase, Power and Utilities providers are increasingly investing sizeable amounts in infrastructure projects designed to expand their offering

New food production systems need sustainable energy worldwide

Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration explain the reasons as to why sustainable energy worldwide is a requirement if we are to continue producing food in the future for an ever-growing population

Advanced power electronics promotes the green transition in the Baltic Sea Region

The Interreg 5B project Power Electronics for Green Energy Efficiency (“Green PE”) helps companies in the BSR to transition towards more efficient products using next-generation power electronics.

From net zero energy buildings to autonomous city districts: A necessary step towards the green built environment

Professor Marc Frère of the University of Mons Research Institute for Energy looks at the arguments for creating low energy demand buildings

Clean energy: The U.S. Energy Department’s priorities for wave, tidal and hydropower resources

The work of the U.S. Energy Department is examined here by the Editor of Open Access Government Jonathan Miles in respect to clean energy and the remarkable potential of wave, tidal and hydropower resources.


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