The latest energy news and updates from the green energy sector with a look at what is being done to develop clean energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and hydrogen plus more.
Parliament convened to address the UK's hydrogen future, launching "On Hydrogen." University of Manchester experts presented research, prompting discussions on low-carbon production, storage, and policy, aiming to shape a robust hydrogen economy.
Here to analyse past successes and possible trends is LPG storage tanks provider, Flogas, which has looked at each of these sources of gas to find out just how they are being used and if they have the potential to eventually become the most used form of gas…
Peder Vejsig Pedersen & Miriam Sanchez Mayoral from Kuben Management profile an exciting project at Copenhagen International School (CIS) in Denmark that concerns an...
Senior Market Intelligence Analyst at BSRIA’s World Market Intelligence Division, Socrates Christidis looks at the current growth of the UK heat pump market.
The influence of political change extends far beyond the walls of the House of Commons. Even small acts of legislation can send shockwaves through many different industries, not least the energy sector
New legislation to cap poor value energy tariffs and save UK consumers money was recently introduced to Parliament, as this article from the Department...
New research from Just Landlords has exposed a nationwide ignorance to a new EPC legislation that will come into effect on 1st April for all new lets and relets, and for all existing tenancies on 1st April 2020
BSRIA is in support of the “reformed and refocused scheme” for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)
The incentive was issued by the government on Friday...
Iceland is set to consume more energy for crypto mining than for household this year, according to the Associated Press
Icelandic businessman Johan Snorri Sigurbergsson...
Ministers welcome protection from high energy prices to 1 million consumers by extension of Ofgem safeguard tariff cap
Energy and Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry...