The latest energy news and updates from the green energy sector with a look at what is being done to develop clean energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and hydrogen plus more.
Todd Anderson, Chief Technology Officer at PHINIA, charts taking the alternative route when it comes to the role of alternative fuels in the clean energy transition.
Thomas N. Mikkelsen highlights how Natconsumers has developed a methodology to communicate more effectively with consumers to reduce energy consumption
The opportunities provided by fusion should not be overlooked. Here, Michael Delage, of General Fusion Inc. explains the potential of the energy source
A cornerstone...
Riku Huttunen, Director General, Energy Department at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment shares Finland’s ambition to achieve carbon neutrality
Dr Hans-Wilhelm Schiffer, Executive Chair World Energy Resources, World Energy Council highlights how renewables have transformed the global energy supply
Lars Christian Lilleholt, Minister for Energy, Utilities and Climate, reveals how Denmark will fight climate change and emissions via a new energy policy
Low cost, low carbon electricity and heating is set to cut bills for locals as the council-funded Gateshead District Energy Centre opens today
The pioneering...
The European Commission is promoting smart buildings and building sector energy efficiency as part of its recently announced 2030 strategy
The recent adoption of the...
By accelerating the transition to renewables, Canada’s clean energy strategy is charting a clear course, as Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr sets out here
EnergEuropean cities and regions are vital to the success of the Energy Union, writes European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič
On 4 October, the European Parliament...
A spokesperson for the European Commission has revealed the EU is on course to meet its 2020 energy consumption target
The European Union is expected...
Jukka Leskelä, the incoming CEO of Finnish Energy discusses European energy policies and how they must work towards climate targets
Since the Paris agreement last...