
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

Man sitting on dry land as a result of climate change

49.5% of global carbon emissions made by just 10 actors

Just ten financial actors pollute almost half of all global carbon emissions but could have a decisive role in helping de-carbonise the planet.
NASA image showing an ozone hole from space

‘New’ ozone hole has been around since 1980s

A large, year-round ozone hole, seven times larger than the Antarctic ozone hole, has only recently been discovered despite existing since the 1980s.
Badger in forest, animal nature habitat, Germany, Europe

Europe’s Nature Restoration Law to repair damaged ecosystems by 2050

The Nature Restoration Law aims to restore damaged ecosystems and bring nature back across Europe, as well as reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030.
botany, ecology

The education system makes us “disconnected from the botanical world”

At a time when plants could help solve global environmental problems, scientists warn we must become more in touch with botanical education.
fly tipping

Joined-up refuse planning and education key to reducing fly-tipping

Fly-tipping is a blight on society and incurs a huge cost for both local authorities and land owners: we need a joined-up, consistent strategy.
cop27, climate change

Egypt’s COP27 vision: mitigation, adaption, and finance

Hosting the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Egypt prepares for COP27. Here’s the breakdown:.
climate change risks, global warming

Could the global warming limit of 1.5°C reverse climate change risks?

New research finds that if we can limit global warming to 1.5°C, this could reduce climate change risks by up to 85%, and mitigate serious harms posed to humans .
space race, climate impacts, space tourism

The billionaire space race will have harmful climate impacts

Through the expansion of space tourism, the growing commercial space race has raised concerns about climate impacts like ozone depletion.
uncertainty in sea-level rise

Uncertainty in sea-level rise & how can we use it as a tool

Sandy Avrutin, Ocean and Earth Science Postgraduate Researcher, National Oceanography Centre at the University of Southampton, describes the uncertainty in sea-level rise, what it is & how we can use it as a tool.
AI to fight air pollution

How can we use AI to fight air pollution?

Martin Schultz at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, discusses the potential of AI to combat air pollution.
Shellfish poisoning

Shellfish poisoning: A neurotoxic consequence of global warming

Jeremy MacMahon, Yi-Hua Tsai, and Pamela Lein from the Department of Molecular Biosciences, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, explore how shellfish poisoning is affecting human and animal health.
freshwater wetlands,

A piece of the puzzle into climate research: freshwater wetlands microbes

Emily Davenport and Arpita Bose discuss the case for freshwater wetlands as vital pieces of the solution for climate change and sustainable energy synthesis.
early heat, heatwaves

Early heat in South Asia is 30 times more likely due to climate change

India and Pakistan and other significantly large parts of South Asia have experienced prolonged, early heat, due to extreme weather conditions and climate change.
environmental pressures, The Brenner Motorway

The Brenner Motorway looks to the future in attempt to reduce environmental pressures

Carlo Costa, General Technical Manager explores what the future has in store for Autostrada del Brennero SpA and their environmental focus.

Should we incorporate animal welfare in sustainable governance?

Experts have called on international governments to include animal welfare policies in sustainable governance, to promote better animal health in future politics.
habitats, Bumblebee species conservation

Bumblebee species conservation “not a one-size-fits-all approach”

A 10-year citizen science study finds that multiple habitats need to be preserved for efficient bumblebee species conservation in the UK.
protecting moths

Scientists create strategy for protecting moths from climate change

Through the prediction of species movement, researchers identify areas in need of habitat restoration to continue protecting moths.
advanced recycling, plastic pollution

“Advanced recycling” not the answer to plastic pollution crisis

Advanced or chemical recycling, has been incentivised by State laws in the US - but environmental advocates suggest it will only further plastic pollution.
policymakers, methane emissions

Do policymakers undervalue how dangerous methane emissions are?

Methane emissions have been increasing rapidly in recent years, but a study finds policymakers often neglect this information when addressing climate change.
manta ray habitats, tourism

Regional recovery of manta ray habitats through tourism limitations

Komodo National Park has one of the world’s largest manta ray habitats – and researchers think this may be due to stricter tourism regulations allowing them to flourish.

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