
Satellite breakthrough: New method to track fossil fuel CO2 emissions

A new satellite method will revolutionise CO2 tracking, using NO2 as a proxy. This breakthrough offers precise emission monitoring, crucial for climate action. It enables localised to national-level assessments, enhancing global efforts to combat climate change.

Plastic pollution and how COVID-19 contributed to the problem

Plastic pollution has been an issue since the 1960s, but when mask-wearing, single-use plastics and hand sanitiser bottles became the norm, things only got worse.

Could a littering heat map solve the waste problem?

Dyl Kurpil explains the value of a littering heat map in creating a proactive, intelligence-driven anti-litter strategy.

Pakistan climate change: One third of the country is underwater

With the death toll rising to over 1200 people, Pakistan suffers the burden of climate change with extreme floods.

30% higher carbon emissions produced by deforestation than climate change

The Atlantic Rainforest’s carbon storage capacity has been affected by deforestation due to human activity – with carbon emissions worse than those produced by climate change.

Cities can realise Europe’s climate ambitions

Ruud Schuthof and Holger Robrecht from ICLEI Europe, argue that cities have the power to realise Europe’s climate ambitions.

Animals and climate change: which animals will be most resilient?

As the effects of global warming induce deadly weather patterns and disruptions to ecosystems, researchers analyse the outcomes of animals and climate change.

Unprecedented wildfire risks due to hot weather

Hot weather, dry conditions and record temperatures in the UK mean an increased risk of extreme wildfires, say experts.

Certain monocultures of forests cope better with drought

Monocultures of the Scots pine and Sitka spruce tree species display different resilience to spring drought.

Discarded cigarette butts cost UK £40 million a year

The UK Government’s ambition of a smoke-free country by 2030 does little to solve the smoking-related litter problem facing our communities.

European cities compete for sustainability and green change

The European Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards are competitions for European cities which are improving the environment.

Carbon pricing: incentivising outcomes for net zero

Carbon pricing enables a monetary cost to be allocated to each tonne of CO₂, and equivalent greenhouse gases, emitted into the atmosphere.

Unprecedented fire risks: Europe’s driest summer on record

Europe is facing one of its driest summers in history and there is an unprecedented risk of drought, fires and destruction.

49.5% of global carbon emissions made by just 10 actors

Just ten financial actors pollute almost half of all global carbon emissions but could have a decisive role in helping de-carbonise the planet.

‘New’ ozone hole has been around since 1980s

A large, year-round ozone hole, seven times larger than the Antarctic ozone hole, has only recently been discovered despite existing since the 1980s.

Europe’s Nature Restoration Law to repair damaged ecosystems by 2050

The Nature Restoration Law aims to restore damaged ecosystems and bring nature back across Europe, as well as reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030.

The education system makes us “disconnected from the botanical world”

At a time when plants could help solve global environmental problems, scientists warn we must become more in touch with botanical education.


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