
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

sustainable blue economy

Europe’s sustainable blue economy

Europe ensures it implements circularity and restores biodiversity, according to Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius.
babies microplastics, microplastics

Babies consume 10 times as many microplastics as adults

In a study conducted on babies in New York, scientists found that babies contain 10 times as many microplastics as adults - raising serious questions about how exposure happens.
NASA climate change, earth and space

NASA: Innovation on Earth and in space

NASA is working with the ESA in the global fight against climate change, while inviting the next generation of technologies to contribute to its mission.
clean air zones

The benefits of introducing clean air zones

Anna Cartledge, partner and planning expert at law firm Shakespeare Martineau comments on the introduction of clean air zones around the world.
climate resilient 2030, climate change

EU wants 150 regions to be “climate resilient” by 2030

The European Commission has created five new policy goals - four of them centred around climate change, with the push to become largely "climate resilient" by 2030.
zero emission waterborne transport, SEA europe

Steering Towards Zero Emission Waterborne Transport in Europe

The SEA Europe Research and Development Affairs Director, Mr. J. Gebraad, analyses how, with the increased demand for waterborne transport, the need to meet decarbonisation targets and ultimately mitigate climate change is more important than ever.
commercial wildlife markets, wildlife coexistence

Reframing our relationship with nature: Ending commercial wildlife markets

Environmental Justice Foundation founder discusses the importance of banning commercial wildlife markets, part of the path to human and wildlife coexistence.
deep scientific understanding, ACCC flagship

Climate change: From deep scientific understanding to practical solutions

Markku Kulmala, from the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, discusses the ACCC Flagship concerning adaptation to climate change, from deep scientific understanding to practical solutions.
vector-borne diseases, infectious diseases

How will a changing climate affect the future of vector borne diseases?

With a changing climate, animal, insect, and plant species will either adapt or die under new environmental and climate conditions - this brings new challenges in the study of vector-borne infectious diseases.
functionality of ecosystems, biodiversity

Biodiversity and the functionality of ecosystems

Here, Peter G. Kevan, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, with Charlotte Coates, explores the issue of measuring ecosystem health (no longer a metaphor) and functionality against biodiversity and how this could be used in environmental policy.
Human-elephant coexistence

Human-elephant coexistence: Governance, management & the human dimension

Susan Canney, Director of the Mali Elephant Project, WILD Foundation & International Conservation Fund Canada, discusses governance, management and the human dimension of the human-elephant coexistence.

GERICS: Helping decision-makers navigate the IPCC reports

The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) is offering support to researchers, policymakers and practitioners in deciphering complex IPCC reports, highlights Scientist Maike Nicolai.
sustainable concrete, astronaut blood

Scientists invent sustainable concrete made from astronaut blood

Scientists at The University of Manchester have figured out how to make sustainable concrete - with a mixture of astronaut blood and space dust.
ice-frost permafrost deposits, arctic research

Geological archives in the Arctic

Ice-rich permafrost deposits will be transformed in large puddles of water in the coming decades, but before this happens, scientists want to collect information to better understand our past and predict our future, as explained by Arthur Monhonval.
recycling rates

Why engagement is key to kick-starting stagnating recycling rates

In this article, Tom Giddings, general manager of Alupro, explores the results of WRAP’s latest recycling tracker survey and explains why consumer engagement is key to kick-starting stagnating recycling rates.
the european green deal

How cities can complement the European Green Deal

Sebastian Marx, Project Coordinator, Eurocities, says that increased commitment to environmental protection in cities will help the EU achieve its green ambitions.
marine protected areas fish, MPA

Marine Protected Areas could increase fish population by 400%

The study, published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, used underwater video cameras to observe that Marine Protected Areas increased fish populations by almost 400%.
unmanned aerial vehicles, cloud seeding

Implementation of unmanned aerial vehicles for cloud seeding

Eric Frew, University of Colorado, Research and Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles, explores the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for more effective cloud seeding.
vaccine climate crisis, covid pandemic

WHO leader says “there is no vaccine for the climate crisis”

A new editorial, published across 220 journals, expresses the climate concerns of healthcare professionals and researchers - with Dr Ghebreyesus saying "there is no vaccine for the climate crisis".
amazon forest biodiversity, amazon fires

Scientists conduct major review of Amazon forest biodiversity

The study, published in Nature, finds that 95% of all Amazon forest biodiversity have been impacted by forest fires and deforestation.

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