
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

ocean surface climates, greenhouse gas emissions

95% of ocean surface climates could disappear by 2100

The study predicts that if greenhouse gas emissions continue at Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5, then 95% of ocean surface climates could disappear by 2100.
Insect populations

Insect populations halved by LED streetlights

A new study has shown that LED streetlights reduce insect populations by half, making them more harmful than the traditional sodium bulbs.
fast fashion industry, textile industry

Post-Rana Plaza: Why is the fast fashion industry still growing?

In an increasingly polluted world, the textile industry is responsible for 10% of all greenhouse gases - so why is the fast fashion industry growing, with no signs of slowing down?
food security indigenous alaskans, indigenous hunter

Climate change risks food security for Indigenous Alaskans

Researchers say climate change is impacting food security for Indigenous Alaskans - seal hunting season is shortening in some areas.
heat-related deaths, heat exposure

Scientists say “substantial heat-related” deaths are increasing

New research, published in The Lancet, highlights that "substantial heat-related" deaths are increasing and global warming continues to impact the most vulnerable people.
volcanoes earths temperature, chemical weathering

Researchers say volcanoes once stabilised Earth’s temperature

The study, published in Nature Geoscience, says chains of volcanoes both created and removed carbon dioxide, stabilising Earth's temperature - but "the results do not mean that nature will save us from climate change”.
methane leaks

Quantum-enabled gas imaging camera to reduce methane leaks

A new quantum-enabled gas imaging camera will help reduce environmentally damaging methane leaks from the oil and gas industry.
humanitarian challenges

Climate change & the great humanitarian challenges

Climate change is behind all of the great humanitarian challenges. We must do more to combat it, argues Aamir Mumtaz, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Programme Manager at Human Appeal Pakistan.
president bolsonaro genocide, amazon indigenous

Indigenous group sues President Bolsonaro for “genocide”

The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) filed a case with the International Criminal Court (ICC), claiming that Brazilian President Bolsonaro has pushed "intentional anti-Indigenous policy" since 2019.
wildfires northern algeria, climate

Wildfires devastate communities across Northern Algeria

The worst fires in the history of Algeria leave communities devastated, as over 70 fires burning in extremely dry conditions kill atleast 65 people.
IPCC report, climate change

IPCC Report: The reality of climate change in undeniable terms

The IPCC released an extensive report on the current state of the world's climate and the changing planet, but what did it say about the future of our oceans?
decarbonisation race, fossil fuel

Study finds 95% of renewable energy capacity in richest countries

With the release of the much-anticipated IPCC report, the decarbonisation race is on - but some countries will have an easier transition to renewable technology, while others will risk their populations and economies.
IPCC report climate change, IPCC UN

IPCC report says climate change puts “billions of people in danger”

The IPCC report, which took eight years to compile, finds that human activity is definitely responsible for climate change - putting "billions of people in danger", according to UN chief António Guterres.

Researchers to make trees more resilient to climate change

Six research teams across the UK will receive a share of £10.5 million to help trees adapt to climate change and capture greenhouse gas emissions.
overfishing marine protected areas, edge effect

Study finds overfishing still happens in Marine Protected Areas

A new study, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, found that overfishing was still an issue on the little-investigated borders of a Marine Protected Area (MPA).
uk environmental jobs, keir

UK lost over 75,000 environmental jobs in last five years

According to Labour, the UK Government lost 75,000 environmental jobs over the last five years - including jobs in solar power, onshore wind, renewable electricity and bioenergy.
marine biodiversity, environmental DNA

Scientists use environmental DNA to calculate marine biodiversity

This study, conducted across the last 20 years on the kelp forests of Santa Barbara, examined marine biodiversity via environmental DNA.
risk of dementia, dementia

High air pollution linked to 16% increased risk of dementia

A Seattle-based study found that people living in an area with air pollution levels of PM2.5 have a 16% increase in risk of dementia.
environmental crime enforcement

Keeping our green spaces clean with environmental crime enforcement

Dyl Kurpil, Managing Director, District Enforcement, explains why outsourcing environmental crime enforcement can not only release a financial burden on local authorities but also achieve behavioural change that delivers tangible community benefits.
carbon absorbing effect, carbon absorbing

California fires decrease natural carbon absorbing effect by 9%

In California, wildfires are a horrific, regular occurrence - now, scientists warn that the natural carbon absorbing effect of the forests will decrease by atleast 9%.

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