
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

energy and environmental science, west virginia state university

Energy & environment research

Here, we learn about the research of Dr Sanju A. Sanjaya, Director, of the West Virginia State University Energy and Environmental Science Institute.
oil and gas industry, UN decade of action

The climate case and the UN’s Decade of Action

Professor Cees van Dam, International Business and Human Rights at the Rotterdam School of Management, explains why Wednesday 26 May 2021 will go down in history as ‘Black Wednesday’ for the oil and gas industry.
water resource knowledge, missouri university of science

Improving water resource knowledge

Dr Joel Burken & Dr Chang-Soo Kim from Missouri University of Science and Technology, in this editorial underline the importance of improving water resource knowledge among citizens & policy-makers.
safeguarding galapagos

Safeguarding Galapagos for the future

Why conserve Galapagos? Clare Simm from the Galapagos Conservation Trust answers this vital question, discussing the immense vulnerability of the islands and the work being done to protect them.
absorb greenhouse gases, seafloor

Scientists say microbes on seafloor absorb greenhouse gases

It is commonly known that the Amazon rainforest absorbs greenhouse gases - but scientists now draw attention to the mystery of the seafloor, where microbial communities eat up gigatons of methane.
G7 climate change, carbon emissions

G7 countries agree to existing climate change policies

Alongside discussions on vaccine equality, the G7 summit raised the potential of new environment goals - but the countries largely stuck to established climate change policies, by confirming their ongoing commitment.
oil extraction sites, peruvian amazon

High blood lead levels found in people living near oil extraction sites

Indigenous communities in the Amazon have been found to have high blood levels due to illegal oil extraction sites, according to a new study.
aquaculture sector, bioeconomy

The aquaculture sector towards the bioeconomy

Sergio Ponsá Salas, Director, BETA Technological Center (UVic-UCC), describes boosting the transition of the aquaculture sector towards the bioeconomy, with discussion ranging from aquaculture industry by-products to bio-based fertilizers.
stronger climate policy, climate negotiations

Are cities and regions helping nations to gain steam on stronger climate goals?

Yunus Arikan from ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, explains how all levels of government play a role in international climate negotiations.
net-zero economy, climate

Commission strikes €820 million partnership with Bill Gates on net-zero economy

The European Commission has created a collaboration with Breakthrough Energy, founded by Bill Gates, to invest roughly €820 million from 2022-26 to create green tech that can be used commercially.
thaw slump, arctic permafrost

Abrupt thaw events: Local landscape degradations with large-scale impacts on Arctic ecosystems

Thaw slump events are local landscape degradations that are expanding with present-day warming in the Arctic, as explained by Maxime Thomas from the Earth and Life Institute at UCLouvain, Belgium.
renewable energy technology, electricity

Building the new wave of renewable energy technology

Rémi Gruet, CEO at Ocean Energy Europe, shares his thoughts on building the new wave of renewable energy technology.
zero greenhouse gasemissions, eu green week

President von der Leyen: “We need a race to zero in greenhouse gas emissions”

To begin EU Green Week 2021, President Ursula von der Leyen gave a speech discussing how the bloc could orchestrate "a race to zero in greenhouse gas emissions" - alongside reaffirming existing policy goals.
mercury in pacific ocean, toxic

New study finds high levels of mercury in Pacific Ocean

Scientists say that levels of mercury in the Pacific Ocean are even higher than some places directly contaminated by the toxic chemical.
humans and elephants

In a changing world, how can humans and elephants live together?

Rob Brandford, Executive Director of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, discusses the challenge of human-elephant conflict and maps out the complex path to coexistence.
loss of biodiversity, climate change

How can Finland confront the climate crisis and preserve its biodiversity?

Krista Mikkonen, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change in Finland illustrates why a circular economy will provide the means to tackle the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity.
methane emissions, greenhouse gas

Methane emissions: Hiding in the shadow of carbon dioxide emissions

Here, we discuss how methane emissions are the second biggest contributor to human caused global warming after carbon dioxide (CO2).
plastic use, recycling

Let’s learn how to use plastic anew!

Research Professor Ali Harlin urges us to reconsider our plastic use and illustrates how the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is aiming to halve the environmental impact of plastics.
nuclear weapons on climate

Modelling Armageddon: The effects of nuclear weapons on climate

Owen B. Toon, Alan Robock & Richard P. Turco turn our thoughts towards modelling Armageddon in terms of the effects of nuclear weapons on climate.
benefits of plants

National Plant Health Week highlights the benefits of plants

National Plant Health Week (10th May) sets out to discover why plant health matters, the threats plants face, and plant health science.

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