
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

environmental priorities

How is Denmark remaining focussed on its environmental priorities?

Open Access Government tracks the recent work of Denmark’s Ministry of the Environment, as it becomes an independent Ministry splitting from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.
prevent climate change, environmental

Are we fighting a losing battle to prevent climate change?

Our climate is global and the challenge of preventing catastrophic environmental damage will require the cooperation of all nations - but is it too late to prevent climate change?
blue aquaculture

Can blue aquaculture be the green protein of the future?

Dawn Purchase, Aquaculture Programme Manager at the Marine Conservation Society considers if blue aquaculture can be the green protein of the future.
sustainable coastal systems

Climate services for resilient and sustainable coastal systems

Prof Dr Daniela Jacob at Climate Service Centre Germany (GERICS), explains here how climate services safeguard the development of resilient and sustainable coastal systems.
wildfires in california and nevada, western

Researchers predict “faster and hotter” wildfires in California and Nevada

Scientists looked at calculations of how dry the air could become throughout the 21st century - it seems that wildfires in California and Nevada are predicted to increase in ferocity.
offshore wind capacity, climate

European Commission pledges 60GW offshore wind capacity by 2030

The Commission has proposed a specific goal for their ambitions of climate neutrality by 2050, which is bringing offshore wind capacity up to 60GW by 2030.

Isosorbide bis(methyl carbonate) (IBMC) & the European Green Deal

Isosorbide bis(methyl carbonate) (IBMC) is a new business opportunity to comply with the European Green Deal, explains Dr Soraya Prieto-Fernández from TECNALIA, Basque Research and Technology Alliance.
global plastic waste, UKRI

UKRI funds £20 million to address global plastic waste problem

The global plastic waste situation will receive an investment of £20 million from UKRI - research partnerships will begin with 11 countries.
tropical peatland conservation, COVID-19

Tropical peatland conservation can prevent animal diseases jumping to humans

Scientists at the University of Exeter found that tropical peatland conservation can impact how animal diseases, like the bat-based COVID-19, transfers to human beings.

Why supertrawlers have no place in the UK’s marine protected areas

Chris Thorne, Oceans Campaigner at Greenpeace UK explains why supertrawlers have no place in the UK’s marine protected areas.
protect coral, conservation

Can environmental genomics help to protect coral?

Can a new strategy protect coral? When it comes to the ocean, biodiversity is key to the conservation of the marine environment, and we're running out of time.
circular economy for plastic, green deal

EU Green Deal: Creating a circular economy for plastics

Jennifer Perr, Sustainability Director at Hi-Cone explains how the EU Green Deal can impact the packaging industry and transform plastic use for a more sustainable future.
slow climate change, energy

How can nanotechnology help us in our fight to slow climate change?

All forces are being brought to bear in our challenge to slow climate change, in an attempt to preserve our planet for future generations - where does nanotechnology fit in?
soil carbon, tonnes

230 billion tonnes of soil carbon could be released via global warming

Scientists at the University of Exeter warn that a two degree increase in global temperature would release 230 billion tonnes of soil carbon.
plastic packaging

£2m available for projects to create smart and sustainable plastic packaging

Businesses can apply for a share of up to £2 million to support projects that investigate how to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastic packaging.
living honey badger

A 5-million-year-old relative of the honey badger has been discovered

New research reports on the discovery of a 5-million-year-old relative of the living honey badger from West Coast of South Africa.
think about climate change, research

What do Americans really think about climate change?

Climate Insights 2020 assessed 27,661 people across different States, to explore what Americans really think about climate change.

Bioplastic is no safer than conventional plastic, according to new study

A new study, published in Environment International, has found that bioplastics are just as toxic as conventional plastics, despite its many benefits.
state of nature report, EU

The State of Nature report: “Illegal killing and hunting are biggest pressures”

At EU Green Week, biodiversity is high on the agenda as the The State of Nature report is set to be discussed by a panel of experts - but what did the data tell us?
EU carbon tax

What do manufacturers need to know about the new EU carbon tax policies?

Denise Hatem, Senior Regulatory Counsel at Sovos, shines a light on the forthcoming EU carbon tax policies and advises cross-border manufacturers on how they can prepare for these changes.

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