
New tool can track the environmental impact of our consumption habits

As a wider population, we use products from places all around the globe daily, but we don't often see or consider the environmental costs behind them.

A sustainable solution to water scarcity

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have developed a new device that promises to revolutionise access to clean water in coastal and island communities.

Global methane emissions rise

Recent studies published by the Global Carbon Project have shown alarming trends in global methane emissions, a growing threat to climate stability.

North America faces increasingly extreme weather patterns

Recent research from The Ohio State University reveals alarming trends in North America's precipitation patterns, showing significant shifts likely driven by climate change.

The global plastics pollution crisis

Researchers from the University of Leeds have revealed the alarming scale of global plastics pollution and its impacts on health and the environment.

Global water security risks: The impact of upwind factors

Securing the world's water supply has emerged as a critical challenge in the face of evolving environmental and governance conditions, according to research from Stockholm University.

Marine fish species facing increased extinction risk

Researchers have revealed a significant increase in the extinction risk facing marine teleost fish species worldwide.

The challenges in scaling carbon capture technology

A recent study led by researchers at Imperial College London has revealed sobering realities about the pace at which technology to capture and store carbon dioxide (CO2) can be scaled up.

The secrets of Japan’s January earthquake: Dual initiation and earthquake barriers

2024 kicked off with a seismic jolt that highlighted the unpredictable yet fascinating nature of earthquakes.

University of Manchester urges prioritising woodland creation

The report, written by Dr Matthew Dennis, senior lecturer in Geographical Information Science, highlights that policymakers should “prioritise woodland creation protocols aimed at nature recovery and tailored to the context of restoration rather than simply based on opportunistic land acquisition.”

Why protecting the ocean is a key priority for the EU

Charlina Vitcheva, Director-General at DG MARE, European Commission, explains why protecting the ocean is a crucial priority for the European Union.

EU sets sights on 2040 climate policy

Teppo Säkkinen, EESC member, Rapporteur for the EESC opinion on EU climate target for 2040, explains how the EU looks towards 2040 concerning climate policy.

Fijian coral unlocks centuries-long ocean temperature record

An international team of scientists has unveiled a remarkable 627-year coral record from the Fijian archipelago.

A liquid-based solution to combat nanoplastic pollution

Nanoplastics, minuscule particles smaller than the width of a human hair, have been increasingly linked to health risks such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in humans.

Animal welfare: Understanding why Orcas are sinking boats

The orcas who have sunk seven boats off the coast of Spain and Portugal within four years have captured the public’s attention — but for all the wrong reasons. So why are Orcas sinking boats, and why is changing the narrative important?.

Transforming the Amazon rainforest economies

An international team of conservationists and researchers has revealed a visionary economic model aimed at safeguarding the Amazon rainforest while improving the lives of its indigenous and rural communities.

Improving air quality in NYC with tree planting initiatives

New York City has been ramping up efforts to plant tens of thousands of trees annually.


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