The latest environment news from around the globe and what is being done to tackle the most serious issues affecting humans and animals. We look at topics such as biodiversity, animal welfare, conservation, and the impact of climate change on the natural world.
A new satellite method will revolutionise CO2 tracking, using NO2 as a proxy. This breakthrough offers precise emission monitoring, crucial for climate action. It enables localised to national-level assessments, enhancing global efforts to combat climate change.
Nigel Penny, Video Collaboration Specialist at Logitech UK & IRL offers some advice on how UK public sector organisations can meet their increasing government set green targets much more efficiently.
Darrel Baumgardner, Chief Scientist from Droplet Measurement Technologies, LLC, considers if cloud seeding can partially mitigate the environmental impact of climate change
Julie Neal, Director and consumer products sector specialist at management consultancy, Vendigital, explains how design-to-cost techniques and other value engineering solutions can help FMCG producers to achieve a successful green transformation.
In an interview with Open Access Government, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Tim Carroll offers a fascinating insight into the current and future state of U.S. air quality.
Professor Cees van Dam, International Business and Human Rights at the Rotterdam School of Management, explains why Wednesday 26 May 2021 will go down in history as ‘Black Wednesday’ for the oil and gas industry.
Dr Joel Burken & Dr Chang-Soo Kim from Missouri University of Science and Technology, in this editorial underline the importance of improving water resource knowledge among citizens & policy-makers.
Why conserve Galapagos? Clare Simm from the Galapagos Conservation Trust answers this vital question, discussing the immense vulnerability of the islands and the work being done to protect them.
It is commonly known that the Amazon rainforest absorbs greenhouse gases - but scientists now draw attention to the mystery of the seafloor, where microbial communities eat up gigatons of methane.
Alongside discussions on vaccine equality, the G7 summit raised the potential of new environment goals - but the countries largely stuck to established climate change policies, by confirming their ongoing commitment.
Sergio Ponsá Salas, Director, BETA Technological Center (UVic-UCC), describes boosting the transition of the aquaculture sector towards the bioeconomy, with discussion ranging from aquaculture industry by-products to bio-based fertilizers.
Yunus Arikan from ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, explains how all levels of government play a role in international climate negotiations.
The European Commission has created a collaboration with Breakthrough Energy, founded by Bill Gates, to invest roughly €820 million from 2022-26 to create green tech that can be used commercially.