
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

noise reduction solution, environment

Noise reduction solution bends sound waves upwards: Less impact on environment

Here, Bart Willems discusses the Dutch noise reduction solution using diffraction to decrease the impact on the environment.
green government

Websites hold the key to green government

While public sector organisations are exploring ways to meet their sustainability commitments, there’s often one obvious area that is overlooked: Varnish Software’s Lars Larsson explains why websites hold the key to green government.
air quality around schools

Improving air quality around schools

Mathew Hassell, founder and CEO of Kura, discusses how the school run can be changed to improve the air quality around schools and protect children’s health, following the reduction in pollution amid the UK lockdown.
plant-based food, protein transition

Crops for the future: Accelerating protein transitions with new plant-based foods

Sabrina Ruzanski & Emanuele Zannini detail PROTEIN2FOOD, a project that concerns pioneering crops for future generations, most notably, accelerating protein transitions with new plant-based foods.
office conversions, built environment

The built environment: The effects of office conversions in the Netherlands

Sophie Hoogendijk and Gideon Bolt from the Faculty of Geosciences – Utrecht University, describe the effects of office conversions in the Netherlands, commencing with commentary on vacant offices in this analysis of the built environment.
climate modelling capabilities, climate change

Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) works to improve urban climate modelling capabilities

Here, GERICS discusses how they are engaging with stakeholders to improve urban climate modelling capabilities and fight climate change.
ground and soil water

Magnetic resonance for detecting ground and soil water

Dr. Stephan Costabel, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Resources, and Prof. Dr. Mike Müller-Petke, Leibniz-Institute for Applied Geosciences, discuss the use of magnetic resonance for soil moisture mapping.

polynSPIRE: Building a future without plastic waste

Here, Tatiana Garcia-Armingol discusses proposed innovations in mass recycling that seek to create a functional future without plastic waste.
recycling legislation

UK recycling legislation proposals for 2023: The future of commercial food waste

Grant Keenan, Managing Director of Keenan Recycling, examines Scotland’s implementation of tighter food waste recycling legislation and what it will mean for the similar incoming UK government legislation.
microplastics in water, drinking water

Microplastics in water: How much are we drinking in a month?

New research has unveiled the quantity of microplastics in water that are consumed by humans on a monthly basis.
stewards of the arctic

The stewards of the Arctic: A changing region requires cooperation

Einar Gunnarsson, Ambassador Arctic Affairs, Iceland and Chair of the Arctic Council’s Senior Arctic Officials, sheds light on why the changing region of the Arctic requires cooperation.
plastic crisis

The plastic crisis: What’s the big deal with microplastics?

Pamela J. Lein, PhD, Professor at the University of California, Davis, sheds light on the plastic crisis and explains what the big deal is with microplastics.
earthquake monitoring

Earthquake monitoring in Taiwan: Current status and future perspective

Deputy Director of the Seismological Center Central Weather Bureau (CWB) in Taiwan, Nai-Chi Hsiao, explains the current status and future perspective of earthquake monitoring in Taiwan.
net zero ambitions

Innovation in systems: Accelerating our net zero ambitions

Rob Saunders, Challenge Director for Prospering from the Energy Revolution, discusses the UKRI’s role in innovation on the journey towards reaching net zero ambitions.
bumble bees need biodiversity, technical university of munich

Researchers emphasise that bumble bees need biodiversity

Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) found that bees prefer to consume a low-fat diet, emphasising that bumble bees need biodiversity.
arctic conservation, marine mammals

Arctic conservation: Scientists listen to the sounds of the seascape

In the northern Bering Sea, scientists undertook a four-year acoustic monitoring project to understand Arctic conservation needs for five marine mammals.
tackle food waste

Government awards £1.15 million to tackle food waste

Businesses and not-for-profits will benefit from new government funding of £1.15 million to tackle food waste in the UK.
decisions affect fish

How EU decisions affect fish, the ocean and life on earth

Rebecca Hubbard, Programme Director of the Our Fish campaign, reveals precisely how EU decisions affect fish, the ocean and life on earth.
climate services

Bridging the gap between research and commercial multipliers of climate services

Julius Pröll from the Climate Service Center Germany turns our attention to the importance of bridging the gap between research institutions and commercial multipliers of climate services.
future of the food industry

How technology could harvest better results for the future of the food industry

Osvald Bjelland, CEO, Xynteo, discusses how technology and collaboration could harvest better results for the future of the food industry.

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