
Satellite breakthrough: New method to track fossil fuel CO2 emissions

A new satellite method will revolutionise CO2 tracking, using NO2 as a proxy. This breakthrough offers precise emission monitoring, crucial for climate action. It enables localised to national-level assessments, enhancing global efforts to combat climate change.

Abrupt thaw events: Local landscape degradations with large-scale impacts on Arctic ecosystems

Thaw slump events are local landscape degradations that are expanding with present-day warming in the Arctic, as explained by Maxime Thomas from the Earth and Life Institute at UCLouvain, Belgium.

Building the new wave of renewable energy technology

Rémi Gruet, CEO at Ocean Energy Europe, shares his thoughts on building the new wave of renewable energy technology.

President von der Leyen: “We need a race to zero in greenhouse gas emissions”

To begin EU Green Week 2021, President Ursula von der Leyen gave a speech discussing how the bloc could orchestrate "a race to zero in greenhouse gas emissions" - alongside reaffirming existing policy goals.

New study finds high levels of mercury in Pacific Ocean

Scientists say that levels of mercury in the Pacific Ocean are even higher than some places directly contaminated by the toxic chemical.

In a changing world, how can humans and elephants live together?

Rob Brandford, Executive Director of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, discusses the challenge of human-elephant conflict and maps out the complex path to coexistence.

How can Finland confront the climate crisis and preserve its biodiversity?

Krista Mikkonen, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change in Finland illustrates why a circular economy will provide the means to tackle the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity.

Methane emissions: Hiding in the shadow of carbon dioxide emissions

Here, we discuss how methane emissions are the second biggest contributor to human caused global warming after carbon dioxide (CO2).

Let’s learn how to use plastic anew!

Research Professor Ali Harlin urges us to reconsider our plastic use and illustrates how the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is aiming to halve the environmental impact of plastics.

Modelling Armageddon: The effects of nuclear weapons on climate

Owen B. Toon, Alan Robock & Richard P. Turco turn our thoughts towards modelling Armageddon in terms of the effects of nuclear weapons on climate.

National Plant Health Week highlights the benefits of plants

National Plant Health Week (10th May) sets out to discover why plant health matters, the threats plants face, and plant health science.

Sea level rise could be halved this century under Paris Agreement target

A new study has found that sea level rise from the melting of ice could be halved this century if we meet the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

Scientists find microplastics in largest European ice cap

Scientists have discovered microplastics in the largest European ice cap - which can influence the way that glaciers melt and behave, impacting rising sea levels.

Making our professional lives more environmentally friendly

Here, we explore how you can tailor your work life to improve your eco-friendly footprint.

Is telecommuting good for the environment?

Here Pascal Paillé, professor of sustainable Human Resource Management, NEOMA Business School, discusses telework and ecology, and explores whether telecommuting is actually good for the environment.

How can we make a truly green and sustainable recovery?

Romy Rawlings, Commercial Director at Vestre Ltd, explains how using an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) could be the key helping customers ensure the sustainability of their everyday choices.

Melting arctic sea ice destroys French wine harvest

Sudden frosts across Europe have hit vineyards hard, with scientists revealing that melting arctic sea ice is responsible for the unpredictable climate.


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