
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

disposable bbq's

Disposable BBQs ‘should be banned’ to prevent further devastating wildfires

As wildfires race through even more acres of British countryside this week, calls are being made to ban disposable BBQ's to prevent further damage.
save rare bees, billberry bumblebee

Caged flowers could save rare bees in the UK

A breakthrough project offering hope for one of the UK’s rarest bumblebees has been launched on the Peak District moors near Sheffield this month, with support from the National Lottery.
food waste

Stop Food Waste Day: Brits throw away £494 million worth of food each week

Today is Stop Food Waste Day, and whilst cooking remains a favourite pastime in the UK, an average of £494 million worth of food is thrown away each week, reveals research from Gousto.
one third of oceans, global ocean treaty

Map can protect one third of oceans by 2030

As governments meet at the UN to negotiate towards an historic Global Ocean Treaty, a groundbreaking study by leading marine biologists has mapped out how to protect over a third of the world’s oceans by 2030.
global conservationists, conservation movement

Global conservationists have “core aims” but fight over solution

Research reveals rifts within the global conservation movement, on economic approaches to protected areas, which makes the achievement of conservation goals difficult.
waste valorisation technology

The implementation of a green waste valorisation technology

The HORIZON 2020 ToSynFuel project, coordinated by Fraunhofer UMSICHT, will demonstrate new integrated waste valorisation technologies into industrially relevant environments, says Dr-Ing Robert Daschner from Institute Branch Sulzbach-Rosenberg.
European Network on Environmental Citizenship

Environmental citizenship research and the European Network on Environmental Citizenship

Andreas Ch. Hadjichambis, Pedro Reis, Demetra Hadjichambi tell us about the research emphasis of the European Network on Environmental Citizenship.
sustainable food production

Health, environment and economy: Sustainable food production at FoodParks

Håkan Sandin, Horticulturist at Swedish University of Agriculture explains sustainable food production and why the three areas of health, environment and economy are crucial in this vein.
Uk palm oil sustainability, animal extinction

How is UK palm oil sustainability stopping deforestation?

In this article, the role of UK companies via palm oil sustainability is examined as part of the cure to animal extinction.
climatic hotspot

“Climatic hotspot project”: Uncovering impacts of the midlatitude ocean

Uncovering impacts of the midlatitude ocean is a part of the “Climatic hotspot project, as profiled here by Professor Hisashi Nakamura from the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, at the University of Tokyo in Japan.
eradicating hunger

Agriculture: Key to eradicating hunger and securing food

Cristina Cruz from FCiencias.Id explains why agriculture is the key to accomplishing the UN Sustainable Development Goals of eradicating hunger and securing food
freshwater resource problems, sustainable watershed management

Understanding freshwater resource problems

Experts from Stroud Water Research Center and Kansas State University highlight the importance of addressing today’s freshwater resource problems and how to achieve sustainable watershed management.
radioactive waste disposal

Containing radioiodine in a solid phase for radioactive waste disposal

In this report Professor Peter H. Santschi, Texas A&M University at Galveston, highlights the challenges when containing iodine in a solid phase for radioactive waste disposal.
agricultural issues

Agricultural issues: Protecting the United States from harmful invasive plant pests and diseases

The work of the Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in the United States covers a wide range of agricultural issues, including protecting the U.S. from harmful invasive plant pests and diseases, as this article uncovers.
pig farming

Smart Agri-Systems: A resilient future for pig farming

Research at the University of Leeds provides innovative, systems-based solutions to help the UK pig farming industry navigate future challenges to resilience.
global governance, ocean pollution

The return of global governance: This time it comes with many faces

The ocean’s pollution with plastics has stirred multiple promising responses across the globe: Are we on the verge of a new type of global governance? Prof Dr Raimund Bleischwitz explains how such governance may look and what is still missing.

The changing Arctic ice caps

Professor Martin Sharp, University of Alberta, explores the processes, rates and impacts of the changing Arctic ice caps due to global warming.
Common Agricultural Policy

The future of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan details what the future has in store for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe, in an address to Plenary session of the EESC: “Future of CAP” on 20th February 2019.
responses to rapid arctic change

Observations to action: Informing understanding and responses to rapid Arctic change

When it comes to observations to action, The International Arctic Research Center informs understanding and responses to rapid Arctic change, as we discover here.
environmental risk to health

Air pollution: A major environmental risk to health

In this in-depth question and answer interview with Charles Ndika Akong, Technical Officer and Dr Magaran Bagayoko, Senior Scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa (AFRO), we find out why air pollution is a major environmental risk to health.

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