
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

Sustainable soil management

Sustainable soil management challenges

Dr. Robert Simmons, Prof. Jane Rickson and Prof. Ron Corstanje from Cranfield University’s School of Water, Energy and Environment sheds light on sustainable soil...
food policy

Member of the EESC Workers’ Group (Group II) European Economic and Social Committee

National Officer of European and International Affairs Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (the Food, Beverages and Catering Union in Germany) Never before in the history of Europe have food...
open data policies

Can Open Data Feed the World?

Jaime Adams at U.S. Department of Agriculture explores the role of open data technology and if this can help feed the whole world Over 7.4...

EUFAR – Looking to the future of airborne environmental research in Europe

Philip R.A. Brown from EUFAR AISBL at the UK’s Met Office takes us on a journey to explore the exciting future of airborne environmental...

The Oceans Protection Plan is transforming marine safety in Canada

Canada’s Minister of Transport, The Honourable Marc Garneau explores the Oceans Protection Plan and how this is transforming marine safety in Canada today Prime Minister...
air pollution on the brain

An emerging environmental health concern: Impacts of air pollution on the brain

Anthony S. Wexler and Pamela J. Lein from the University of California share their expert views on the impacts of air pollution on the...
Smart City Strategies

Smart city strategies from around the world

Rushi Rama from Future Cities Catapult gives a fascinating overview of smart city strategies from around the world The use of technology is changing everyday...

Decisions around a changing climate

Director of the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Prof Dr Daniela Jacob outlines the fundamentals of climate change and what it could look like...
Cereal Species

New markets for traditional cereal varieties

Bernadette Oehen and Martina Eiseltová from HealthyMinorCereals.eu shares their thoughts on new markets for traditional cereal varieties The diversity of cultivated cereal species and varieties...
Polar Science Communication

Polar science communication: From North to South

A group of seasoned experts from the UK Polar Network shed light on the wonders of polar science communication from North to South The Earth...
green homes

Homes for people and wildlife- how to build green homes in a nature-friendly way

New guidelines published by The Wildlife Trusts show how new housing developments can be built in a way that provides people with green homes The...

CCS answers

How CCS can help to eliminate CO2 emissions through the storage of carbon dioxide
Air Quality

Breathing space – EU efforts to clean up Europe’s air quality

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries lifts the lid on EU efforts to clean up Europe’s air quality

Assessing climate change in the Arctic

Norwegian Polar Institute’s Director Jan-Gunnar Winther highlights the challenges associated with climate change in the Arctic and its global impact
Marine Technology

Aalto University Arctic marine technology and vessel safety

Pentti Kujala from Aalto University provides a fascinating glimpse into the institution’s work on improving the safety of vessels present in harsh sea ice...

The role of the bioeconomy in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan recently revealed his thoughts on the role of a well-functioning bioeconomy in Europe, during a speech at Bio-based Industries Joint Stakeholder...
Outermost Regions

Europe beyond the seas: The Outermost Regions

Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Crețu details The Outermost Regions strategy of the EU The EU has always paid particular attention to its nine Outermost...
mining activities

Former mining activities could affect a third of residential properties

Data suggests that one third of properties in England and Wales are located within close proximity of historic mining activities Landmark Information's assessment of historical...
European cities

A sustainable future for cities is within our grasp

Abdeluheb Choho, deputy mayor of Amsterdam and chair of EUROCITIES Environment Forum shares his thoughts on the sustainable future for European cities As European cities,...
marine biodiversity

Towards healthy and productive seas with strong marine biodiversity

Hans Bruyninckx of the European Environment Agency (EEA) explores climate change and marine biodiversity in this insightful article Marine biodiversity, the global climate and our...

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