
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

eco-friendly plastics

Less plastic waste in the future

Can plastics be removed from the environment and be biologically degraded? Chemical engineers at TU Wien (Vienna) are working on it The use of plastics...
polar fishes

The role of antifreeze proteins in freezing avoidance of polar fishes

Arthur L. DeVries at the Department of Animal Biology, University of Illinois provides an expert insight into antifreeze proteins in polar fishes
conservation of wild crops

IUCN pushes for the conservation of wild crops to boost food security

The IUCN has warned that the world needs to turn its effort to the conservation of wild crops, which are essential for food security
food waste

Co-op becomes first supermarket to tackle food waste issue in UK

East England Co-op becomes first major supermarket to sell food past its best before date in a bid to battle the food waste crisis Co-op has...
DNA markers

DNA markers for wheat genetic improvement

Director of USDA Central Small Grain Genotyping Lab, Guihua Bai turns the spotlight on to the wonderful world of wheat and DNA markers
clean air targets

Clean air targets could be met sooner than expected

A new study indicates that clean air targets for reducing NO2 emissions from vehicles could be achieved sooner than expected Government clean air targets underestimate...

Integrated pest management (IPM)

Professor of Entomology at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Timothy D. Schowalter outlines the fundamentals of IPM
indigenous climate activists

Indigenous climate activists recognised at Bonn conference

For the first time, indigenous climate activists across the world have received special recognition for their work at the Bonn climate conference
fertility management

Improving poultry production through precision fertility management

University of Oxford’s Tommaso Pizzari argues that fertility management of commercial flocks requires a precision approach
phase out coal

UK and Canada lead global alliance to phase out coal

The UK and Canada have led a global alliance of 20 countries promising to phase out coal in a bid to switch to cleaner energy
water resource

Permafrost ice as an important water resource for the future?

Martin Hoelzle, Martin Scherler and Christian Hauck from the University of Fribourg explore the possibility of melting ice-rich permafrost as a water resource
protect bees

Britain set to back EU pesticide ban to protect bees

Environment Secretary Michael Gove has revealed that the UK will back a total ban on particular pesticides to protect bees

The approval process of pesticides and the science behind it

Graeme Taylor, director of public affairs at European Crop Protection Association reveals the impact of technology on the pesticide approval process
consumption and production

Linking consumption and production

James Lomax from the Economy Division at UN Environment offers his thoughts on the policy priorities for global food systems
ocean litter

New data shows ‘dramatic’ rise in ocean litter around the UK

In 2016 there was a dramatic rise in ocean litter around the UK, with a high number of plastic items found on the seabed compared to the previous year
emissions gap

UN warns governments over greenhouse gas emissions gap

The UN has warned that the emissions gap between government greenhouse gas targets and current levels is 'unacceptable' and needs to be reduced
food systems

How communities are strengthening their food systems

Assistant vice president of programmes at American Farmland Trust, Julia Freedgood explains the challenges around the increasing demands to food systems
environmental toxicology

Environmental toxicology in the regulation of chemicals

A group of experts at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry-Europe shed light on the environmental risk assessment of chemicals
changes in the arctic

Changes in the Arctic and Antarctic under global warming

Yamanouchi & H. Enmoto from the National Institute of Polar Research explore the abrupt and potentially worrying changes in the Arctic today
intensive farming

Gove warns of ‘eradication of soil fertility’ due to intensive farming

Environment Secretary Michael Gove has warned that intensive farming could lead the 'fundamental eradication' of soil fertility

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