
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

Water and agriculture

Water and Agriculture in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan recently shared his thoughts on the role of agriculture in water sustainability, during a speech at European Policy Centre Dialogue

The role of algae in sustaining our planet – past, present and future

Dr. Jaime L. Toney from the University of Glasgow highlights the vital role of algae in human existence, in both shaping and understanding the planet
polluted with sewage

WWF warns 40% of UK rivers are polluted with sewage

The WWF has warned that UK rivers being polluted with sewage from water treatment sites presents a health risk for both humans and wildlife
Arctic states

Science and Policy in the Arctic States

Ambassador Aleksi Härkönen provides a compelling glimpse of the organisation’s efforts on climate change and pollution in the Arctic States
sperm cells

Human sperm cells, the overlooked sentinel of our living environment

Luigi Montano of the Local Health Authority (ASL) Salerno and Alberto Mantovani from Istituto Superiore di Sanità explore how pollution affects sperm cells 
marine health

The European union explores new approaches to marine health

Karmenu Vella explains how EU policies will innovate our approach to oceans and help to ensure the marine health of our planet
future of the natural environment

The future of the natural environment

The UK’s Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Michael Gove sets out his vision for the future of the natural environment In...
ivory trade ban

Ivory trade ban set for the UK

The UK government is set to impose an ivory trade ban at all levels in order to reduce demand, protecting African elephants An ivory trade ban...

The Smart City Charter and the missing link to climate resilience

Prof Dr Daniela Jacob, Climate Service Centre Germany, highlights the Smart City Charter and what it means for the future of cities
bovine tb

New bovine TB advisory service hopes to protect cattle in the UK

A new advisory scheme will allow UK farmers with at-risk cattle to access expert advice and protect their cows against bovine TB
huge divestment

Catholic Church set to make huge divestment from fossil fuels

The Catholic Church has pledged to make a huge divestment from fossil fuels in a record move honouring St Francis of Assisi
methane from cattle

Methane from cattle 11% higher than previously thought

Methane from cattle is estimated to be 11% higher than previously expected, presenting a bigger challenge in the fight against climate change
brexit agriculture

Michael Gove visits Northern Ireland to discuss post Brexit agriculture

Environment Secretary Michael Gove visited Northern Ireland to discuss opportunities for post Brexit agriculture partnerships with the country
global carbon emissions

Global carbon emissions remained static in 2016, renewing climate hope

New data shows that global carbon emissions remained static during 2016, boosting hope that reversing the worst effects of climate change is still possible
Austria's climate change policy

Austria’s climate change policy reflects its own research

Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Andrä Rupprechter reveals Austria’s climate change policy

USDA’s high-tech tools to identify dangerous pests

Greg Rosenthal of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) lifts the lid on their work with digital identification tools to identify dangerous pests
rainforest mining

Brazil backtracks on plans to open up Amazon reserve to rainforest mining

The Brazillian President Michel Temer has backtracked on plans to open the Renca Reserve in the Amazon up to rainforest mining The President sparked outrage...
iceberg A-68

6,000 km iceberg A-68 set to break free

Giant Antarctic iceberg A-68 broke off from the Larsen Ice Shelf in July and is set to fully break free after months of little movement

New images show the worrying reach of microplastics

New images from Thomson EC show how far microplastics have reached into our food chain, affecting organisms on a microscopic scale
climate change targets

New research suggests Paris climate change targets are possible

New research suggests that the Paris agreement's climate change targets of limiting global warming to 1.5°c are possible given strong action

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