
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

Keeping pests under control requires ongoing research

Chris Bentley, Agricultural Research Service – U.S. Department of Agriculture, explains why research must continue to protect crops from pests and insects

A German Adaptation Strategy for climate change

German Environment Agency’s Petra Mahrenholz provides insight into Germany’s Adaptation Strategy and how it assisting in the fight against climate change

EP committees endorse 40 per cent ESFI climate target

The European Parliament Committees have approved a 40 per cent target that will help climate proof the European Fund for Strategic Investments

Assessing soils, waters and structures

The interaction between soils, waters and structures are of great interest in the engineering sector, here Alexander Rohe from Deltares outlines why

Ensuring the preservation of biodiversity in Finland

Petri Ahlroth, Director of the Natural Environment Centre, Finnish Environment Institute explains why it is important to protect biodiversity in Finland

Climate services – shaping a growing market

Climate services is a growing sector where market opportunities and ways towards operationalisation are being explored. Prof Dr Daniela Jacob explains

Tackling climate change in Sweden

Open Access Government’s Editor Laura Evans examines how Sweden is tackling climate change and the targets in place to help the nation become carbon...

Reconstructing an Ancient Egyptian Microcosm in Sudan

Excavations and 3D reconstructions on Sai Island provide a glimpse into the history and culture of an Ancient Egyptian settlement, says Professor Julia Budka

From bright white glaciers to dark and dusty ice

Martin Hoelzle and Kathrin Naegeli, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg share how glaciers are altering in fast-changing landscapes

The key to sustainable growth is in the oceans

Often seen as one of the most overstretched resources, the seas offer one of the best avenues for sustainable growth if utilised correctly

Climate-resilient green growth requires a joint approach

In a speech, German Federal Minister for the Environment Barbara Hendricks explains why support for climate-resilient green growth is imperative

Carbon capture brought to the forefront of the UK’s climate targets

Carbon capture and storage is a key player in the challenge to meet reduced emission targets by 2015, according to the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)
The challenge of building a resilient food system

The challenge of building a resilient food system

A changing world requires an interdisciplinary approach to research if we are to build a more resilient food system, says GFS’s Evangelia Kougioumoutzi
Essen: The European Green Capital 2017

Essen: The European Green Capital 2017

Essen was granted the prestigious title of European Green Capital 2017. Lord Mayor Thomas Kufen highlights how the city became the third greenest in Germany
Finland has embraced the fight against climate change

Finland has embraced the fight against climate change

Editor Laura Evans outlines how Finnish Minister of Agriculture and the Environment Kimmo Tilikainen is taking on the fight against climate change
Climate change in the Polar Regions is a global problem

Climate change in the Polar Regions is a global problem

Vidar Helgesen, Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment, explains how the government is helping to address climate change in the Polar Regions
Solar devices provide social housing with many benefits

Solar devices benefit social housing in Scotland

Improving energy efficiency in social housing can be achieved with solar devices. PassivSystems outlines how this technology can be utilised by councils
Flood prevention in Oxfordshire receives £6.8m funding

Flood prevention in Oxfordshire receives £6.8m funding

Oxfordshire County Council revealed it has spent more than £6.8m funding on flood prevention over the past 10 years
climate protection tree covered building Turin

Climate protection: Investing in a low-carbon Europe

Investment in climate protection is vital to overcome environmental challenges. Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environment Agency explains Our climate is changing. We must reduce...
Wales greenhouse gas emissions

New tool to project Wales’ greenhouse gas emissions up to 2050

Cardiff University and BRE are developing a tool to forecast Wales' greenhouse gas emissions over the next 30 years and inform policies to reduce...

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