
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

sustainability through technology wind farm

Sustainability through technology: The power of N

Popularism and bumper sticker science should not stop us tackling sustainability through technology, argues Ingenuity Lab Director Carlo Montemagno Ingenuity Lab is a unique organisation,...
environmental standards UK Trump Brexit

Will Trump and Brexit wreck our environmental standards?

Sarah Marjoram at Thomson Ecology asks what impact the Trump presidency and Brexit will have on the UK’s environmental standards The inauguration of the new...
UK nuclear industry Torness power station

Engineers warn of Brexit threat to UK nuclear industry

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers calls for the government to make clear transitional arrangements to protect the UK nuclear industry after Brexit A new report...
issues arctic communities face polar canada

POLAR: Investigating the issues Arctic communities face

Polar Knowledge Canada, a new federal organisation, brings together indigenous and scientific expertise to look at the issues Arctic communities face today Polar Knowledge Canada...
climate services market weather monitoring station

Developing and serving the climate services market

Professor Dr Daniela Jacob and colleagues at GERICS seek a better understanding of the climate services market and how to contribute to its development Responding...
Banana shortage myth varieties at market

Why we should all get off the banana shortage bandwagon

Reports of an imminent global banana shortage are overblown and self-serving, write the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture’s Rony Swennen and James Legg Western consumers...
Scotland's draft climate change plan landscape

Scotland’s draft climate change plan: Roseanna Cunningham sets out ambitions

The Scottish Environment Secretary, Roseanna Cunningham MSP, sets out the key aims of Scotland’s draft climate change plan for Open Access Government The publication of our...
swindon solar park to power recycling plant

Swindon solar park to power household waste recycling centre

A new Swindon solar park will generate income for the Borough Council as well as fuelling its ambitious renewable energy targets Building work has started...
climate change in polar regions chinstrap penguins in snow

Climate change in the Polar Regions: Past, present and future

How is climate change in Polar Regions affecting sea ice? Professor Hideaki Motoyama and colleagues at the National Institute of Polar Research investigate The Polar...
progressive zoos wildlife trafficking golden lion tamarins

Progressive zoos and the fight against wildlife trafficking

As the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria’s David Williams-Mitchell stresses, progressive zoos play a crucial role in halting illegal trade in wildlife The European...
wildlife trafficking Catherine Bearder MEP

We need tougher action on wildlife trafficking

The tide may be turning but there is still much more to be done in the fight against wildlife trafficking, Catherine Bearder MEP argues Last...
Local councils' flood preparedness

Local councils’ flood preparedness: How technology can help

Used proactively, technology can help local councils' flood preparedness and resilience in a number of ways, as Intermedix’s Ian Carr describes It is no secret...
2050 climate action plan Barbara Hendricks

OAG takes a look at Germany’s 2050 Climate Action Plan

Germany’s ambitious 2050 Climate Action Plan is now well underway, as Open Access found out from Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks Germany is pressing ahead...
waste and fishing offences angler

Crackdown continues on waste and fishing offences in the North East

Nearly £220,000 in fines and costs were imposed following Environment Agency investigations into waste and fishing offences in the North East last year An Environment...
UK flood policy sandbags York

The future of UK flood policy

The Flood Re scheme may have bought some time, but UK flood policy needs to adapt fast according to the Institute and Faculty of...
banana supply UK

Exeter University tackles banana supply chain threat

The future of the UK’s favourite fruit hangs in the balance, but researchers from Exeter University are tackling the threat to the banana supply...
target EU budget spend on climate action wind turbine

Inside the ECA audit of the target EU budget spend on climate action

Phil Wynn Owen, member of the European Court of Auditors, gives an insight into the ECA audit of the target EU budget spend on...
EU action plan against wildlife trafficking Karmenu Vella

The EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking: One year on

The EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking sees member states working together to close loopholes used by criminals, writes EU Commissioner Karmenu Vella In a...
Environmental Protection Act post-Brexit farmers

MPs call for new Environmental Protection Act post-Brexit

A committee of MPs has published a report calling for the government to reassure farmers and to introduce a new Environmental Protection Act to...
Fly tipping

Fly tipping fines reach more than £430,000 since new powers

Councils have revealed they have issued hundreds of fines for fly tipping after receiving new powers to handout on the spot penalties

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