
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

A new Sustainable Development Strategy for Switzerland

Daniel Dubas, Head of the Sustainable Development Section at the Federal Office for Spatial Development outlines the Federal Council’s Sustainable Development Strategy and its...

New mayor gives major heat network project green light

The next phase of a major infrastructure project to build a heat network across Bristol has been given the go-ahead by the new Mayor of...

Strengthening partnerships between cities

Hella Dunger-Löper Member of the European Committee of the Regions (COR) outlines the core principles that should shape the EU’s new Urban Agenda… A wall...

How will the EU referendum affect UK fishing laws?

The Prime Minister and Boris Johnston have clashed over the impact of the EU on the UK’s fishing industry… On the BBC’s Countryfile programme, former...

A rare opportunity to ‘turn the tide’

Oliver Johnson, Policy Executive at Environmental Industries Commission outlines the challenges caused by flooding and highlights details from the Turning the Tide report... Previously occasional,...

Self-service for ICPS is great news for the customer  

Bob Theobald, Managing Director, Power On Connections  talks about why self-service for Independent Connection Providers creates a competitive and open energy market... Finally, following years of lobbying, Ofgem...

COP21 and the Paris Agreement

Dr Daniela Jacob, of the Climate Service Center talks about COP21 and the role of climate services... After the dust has settled on COP21 – and now...

UK science body calls for review of European GM crops ban

The Royal Society has called for a review of the decision to ban GM crops across Europe… The president of UK science body the Royal...
North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire fracking gets green light

North Yorkshire fracking proposals were given the go-ahead by the county council yesterday evening, in the face of fierce opposition… The County Council planning committee...

Ljubljana – European Green Capital 2016

The European Green Capital team outline why Ljubljana is the first and only European green capital in central and south Eastern Europe… Ljubljana is a city...
farm tractor

Farm subsidy IT failure could cost Scottish government £125m

The mismanagement of the IT system for farm subsidy payments could see the Scottish government incur penalties totalling up to £125m… IT failures relating to...

Soil organic carbon – the most precious substance on the planet

Arwyn Jones and Emanuele Lugato, European Commission Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, outline the importance of soil... When the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei wrote 400 years ago,...

Government reveals £400 on-the-spot fine for illegal waste dumping

Environment Minister Rory Stewart has revealed new measures to deter people from fly-tipping… Local authorities will be given new powers to tackle fly-tipping, it has...

Protecting tropical forests worldwide

Vidar Helgesen, Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment answers AGs questions about how Norway is contributing to sustainable development by reducing deforestations in the...

Decommissioning offshore oil and gas platforms: is this the best approach?

Daniel Bastreri, marine consultant with Thomson Unicomarine, considers whether the complete removal offshore structures during decommissioning is the best solution for marine ecology. The benefits...

Fall in coal use is helping to reduce emissions, figures show

Figures released by The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) show a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions last year due to a fall...

Providing data to manage soils sustainably

Dr Andrew Tye, Soil Scientist & Process Geochemist at the British Geological Survey looks at soil management and how it can help ensure sustainability...

Research suggests planting trees can reduce flooding

A new study funded by the Environment Agency has revealed planting trees around a feeder stream can reduce the damage caused by flooding… Planting trees...

Watchdog calls for energy cap for low income households

A new report from the Competition and Markets Authority recommends energy bills should lowered for millions of low income households… Millions of low income households...

Twenty-four councils awarded funding for low carbon heat projects

Some £1.5m funding will be divided between 24 local authorities to support low carbon heating projects… The government has released £1.5m to be invested in...

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