
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

Benefits for UK fishermen following tough negotiations in Europe

Reforms to the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy will lead to improvements in fish stocks, substantial quota increases and a more profitable industry, the government...

Probiotics on poultry gut health research

The chicken industry has become one of the fastest growing livestock industries around the world due to the demand for high quality protein by...
innovation agriculture

EU agriculture industry needs greater innovation

Leading agriculture and food organisations have reiterated the call for a greater push to increase innovation within the sector… Innovation should be considered during every...
energy efficiency

Multi-million pound energy efficiency programme for NHS Tayside

Investors have committed £15.4m funding to a new energy efficiency project for NHS Tayside… Aviva Investors have committed £15.4m to a new energy efficiency project...
power plant

Government closes coal-fired power stations to make way for gas

The government have announced they are closing coal-fired power stations with a view of gas to become “central” to the UK’s energy supply…
gas fire

Fuel Poverty: lower bills and healthier homes

Maria Wardrobe, Director of External Affairs at National Energy Action outlines the importance of tackling fuel poverty in the UK… Fuel poverty remains a bigger killer...

Producing a clean renewable source of energy

According to the projected growth of the world population and consistent global development, it is increasingly difficult to satisfy our world with sufficient food...

Volcanic hazard assessment and risk management

The impact of a natural event such as a volcanic eruption can significantly disrupt human life. The long periods of quiescence that are quite...

Let us take stock of our situation regarding Earth’s climate

1. Climate change is not a hoax. It is real and is happening now. The global average temperature is steadily increasing and there is...
climate change

Mountains and Climate Change

It is well known that the current rate of warming in response to increasing ‘greenhouse-gas’ concentrations (e.g. CO2) is amplified at high latitudes and...

Agriculture and climate change

Agriculture both contributes to, and is affected by climate change. The EU needs to reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions from agriculture and adapt its food-production...

Organic farming isn’t bad, but sustainable agriculture is better

Gavin Whitmore, Senior Manager – Biodiversity at the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) looks at how integrated pest management supports the sustainable intensification of agriculture Society...

Direct support for EU farmers

The EU’s recent €500m aid package is good news for European farmers and agri-food markets, writes EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan Market difficulties and price...

Sustainable Sweden

Open Access Government looks at how Sweden is aiming to become a sustainable nation, highlighting the government’s key environmental priorities Sweden has gone through something...

Effective management of fisheries and fish quality

In September 2015 the UN will release the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide international development for the next 15 years. Out of the...
blue economy

Time to invest in the blue economy

The European Union has high hopes for the marine and maritime economy, but, for the blue economy’s potential to be developed, we need more...
arctic research

Understanding the Arctic environment

Nate Bauer and Hajo Eicken from the International Arctic Research Center (IARC), highlight how research can help gain invaluable knowledge about the Arctic and its surrounding...
heat map

Heat map shows energy efficiency of Herefordshire homes

Residents in Herefordshire can discover how energy efficient their homes are via a new online heat map… If you live in Herefordshire and want to...

Carbon dynamics and geomorphic processes in a warming Arctic

Ivar Berthling, Department of Geography, NTNU, Norway There are a number of significant feedbacks and interactions between processes and materials at the earth surface and...
climate change

Is climate change affecting our minds?

Emerging research indicates that climate change impacts on mental health an increasing global concern Climate change is increasingly recognised as one of the greatest threats to human...

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