
Open Access Governments Environment news category is full of diverse and interesting material. This section takes a broad look at environmental issues across the world and the governments tackling them. 

In this category, you will find the latest legal developments in the environmental sector from around the globe. The newest research is available to read with news such as the EU’s strategy with environmental changes and issues. We also cover marine conservation, biodiversity, sustainability, and the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

The process of implementing zero emission policies and the development of technology in the aid of reducing climate change and fossil fuel emissions are popular topics within this section.

Extreme events in deterministic systems

Extreme events in deterministic systems

Prof Dr Henk W Broer and Dr Alef E Sterk from the University of Groningen discuss how mathematical modelling offers a fruitful approach towards...
£3m to boost low carbon heating

£3m to boost low carbon heating

The government has announced £3m will be made available to set up low carbon heat networks across 55 local authorities... An extra £3m funding will...
The European energy challenge

The European energy challenge

AG looks at the European Commission’s key priorities in regards to energy, and the challenges ahead… The EU is facing a crisis of confidence that...

Plumbers ‘should report cold homes’

New guidance from health experts has suggested that plumbers and heating engineers should join GPs in tackling problems caused by cold homes…. The latest guidance...

The Green Deal – a simple and robust idea?

Steve Cole, Policy Leader at the National Housing Federation discusses whether the Green Deal has helped to improve energy efficiency in UK housing stock… Green...

Promoting fair and sustainable growth

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at the European Commission gives an overview of his priorities for the coming year… The overall aim...

Government launch strategy to end fuel poverty

The government has today launched a new fuel poverty strategy which sets out a revolutionary approach to identifying and targeting England’s energy efficient homes… For...

BRE puts consumers at the heart of homebuilding

A new quality mark for new houses has been launched that will transform the way consumers choose their homes to buy and rent… Leading building...

Environment report shows benefits of EU action

A new report published today shows that a coordinated EU environment policy has delivered substantial benefits for citizens over the past five years… The report...
MPs say UK should be given GM regulatory powers

MPs say UK should be given GM regulatory powers

A report published by MPs has said the UK should be given the regulatory power to grow genetically-modified crops... The current European Union rules for...
Scottish wind farm fails to secure government deal

Scottish wind farm fails to secure government deal

Moray Offshore Renewables Limited has failed to secure a government deal to build a major wind farm project in the Outer Moray Firth... Failure to...

Integrated farming delivers sustainable farming

Patrick Wrixon, President of the European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture (EISA) gives thought to integrated farming and its positive impact on the...
nothern ireland

Going for growth for agriculture in Northern Ireland

Michelle O’Neill, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development in the north of Ireland gives an overview of her priorities for 2015 including tackling rural...
clean air

Clean air for all

Dr Eva Csobod, Project Coordinator at the Regional Environmental Center details how the SINPHONIE project is helping to deliver clean air for school children The...
air quality

Tackling air quality issues in the Turku region

According to the Finnish Environmental Protection Act, municipalities are responsible for enhancing air protection within their region. Turku is a regional capital of the...

Good indoor climate AND energy efficiency = TRUE

Poor ventilation is a growing health risk in today’s society. Poor ventilation in offices, schools and healthcare facilities often causes discomfort and impair work...

Air quality in Europe

Air pollution impacts all living species and can have a detrimental impact. Dr Valentin Foltescu EEA Project manager – Air quality reporting and assessment...

Estonian environmental charges

Mati Raidma, Minister for the Environment in the Republic of Estonia explains why environmental charges are crucial to help reduce the effects of climate...

Bristol – UK’s first European Green Capital

Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson discusses how the City will build on its new international status as 2015 European Green Capital, leading the way...

The United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme

Your partner for capacity development in fisheries projects For 17 years the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme has promoted the sustainable use of living...

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