
Satellite breakthrough: New method to track fossil fuel CO2 emissions

A new satellite method will revolutionise CO2 tracking, using NO2 as a proxy. This breakthrough offers precise emission monitoring, crucial for climate action. It enables localised to national-level assessments, enhancing global efforts to combat climate change.

Watchdog calls for energy cap for low income households

A new report from the Competition and Markets Authority recommends energy bills should lowered for millions of low income households… Millions of low income households...

Twenty-four councils awarded funding for low carbon heat projects

Some £1.5m funding will be divided between 24 local authorities to support low carbon heating projects… The government has released £1.5m to be invested in...

Farming ministers disagree over EU referendum

The UK’s top environmental ministers are at loggerheads over whether leaving or staying in the EU would be better for farmers… Secretary of State for...

The circular economy opportunity

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation sheds light on the circular economy and why it is an opportunity not to be missed…  Today’s linear economy – in...

Dorset environment is worth £1.5bn a year to its economy

A new report commissioned by Dorset County Council has shown the environment is worth some £1.5m a year to the local economy… A team of experts...

Swindon council launches the first UK community solar farm

Local residents have been offered the chance to invest in a community solar farm under a new initiative launched by the council… A £4.8m project...

The Importance of Soils

Matt Aitkenhead, a Member at the British Society of Soil Science sheds light on soils and their role in society and economic development…  The importance...

How much does it cost to save the world?

Georgina Dowling, Associate at Ramboll UK outlines the importance of investment in infrastructure to help tackle climate change In December, 195 nations reached a landmark...

E3-Modelling research finds first-mover advantage for the European Union as frontrunner in climate action

In Paris, delegates from the 196 UN parties met in December 2015 to negotiate a global climate agreement. Countries accounting for roughly a quarter...

COP21 – a historic agreement but the real work starts now

Petr Zahradník, Lutz Ribbe and Isabel Caño Aguilar members of the European Economic and social committee (EESC) highlight the key role of civil society...

Understanding glacial archaeology

Associate Professor Ivar Berthling from the Department of Geography at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology explains why cold ice patches turn out...

Through the ocean darkly

Carol Anne Clayson, Director of the Ocean and Climate Change Institute at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution details the impact the oceans have on...

Climate Change: Ignore the ocean at your peril

Niall McDonough, Executive Secretary at the European Marine Board outlines why the ocean should be part of the climate change discussion The United Nations Framework...

The hurdles of Biological Control to control the Red Imported Fire Ant.

Guadalupe Rojas, Juan. A. Morales-Ramos, Jian Chen, Michael Grodowitz, and Margaret Allen discuss the hurdles of Biological Control to control the Red Imported Fire Ant. The...

Probiotics on poultry gut health research

The chicken industry has become one of the fastest growing livestock industries around the world due to the demand for high-quality protein by consumers....

Soil information for European environmental policy

The recent announcement “4 pour 1000” by the French Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, communicating a new concept for mitigating climate change through...


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