The latest finance news including topics such as the development of digital banking and the future of Fintech, and stories from the World Bank and World Trade Organisations (WTO) stories.
In this article Bogdan Marinescu, MD and Founder of Digital Trails, talks about the importance of online visibility during a period when most businesses are pivoting online and we are experiencing increased competition for brand and product share of voice.
Dr Elaine Garcia, Senior Programme Leader at London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) comments on the recent economic measures announcement made by Chancellor Rishi Sunak to help reverse the damage caused by COVID-19.
Justin Freeman, Writer, Forex traders, examines how the coronavirus pandemic has affected economies all over the world and which countries are performing best.
Joe Bloemendaal, Head of Strategy at Mitek, explores why now, is the perfect time for banks and financial services firms to be finding ways that can tackle fraud with a few clicks.
Here, Open Access Government looks into European Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni’s priorities for strengthening the EU’s Economy while also putting citizens first, particularly in a time of crisis.
Professors of Economics Svend E. Hougaard Jensen and Gylfi Zoega call for public-private partnership as they discuss adjustments of the retirement age and pension funds according to life expectancy.
Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES enlightens us on the salient points when it comes to re-imagining our urban future in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lewis Silkin, the UK member firm of Ius Laboris, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about absence and sick pay in the UK during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Gidon Gautel, China Foresight Project Coordinator at LSE IDEAS, discusses how COVID-19 could impact US-China trade relations as the economy attempts to recover.
Prior to COVID-19, there was a massive spike in ESG investing, but as the global pandemic's wreaked havoc on global markets. Kerstin Engler, Senior Wealth Manager at Geneva Management Group, looks at how COVID-19 might impact ESG investing in the long term.
Ian Wright, Founder of Small Business Prices, provides his five tips on how to endure the pandemic and the rest of 2020 as a small business owner and protect your finances as much as possible.