North America Analysis

Finance News

Within the Open Access Government Finance News section, you can find a wide variety of information on the changes in the financial sector.

We often explore the development of digital banking and the future of Fintech, along with the World Bank and World Trade Organisations (WTO) stories. You can also find expert opinions on many popular topics within this category along with insights into the financial changes in other countries.

This category also covers poverty and pensions in the UK along with any legal changes to financial law. Up to date articles are available on fiscal policy and trade wars within the sector.

household emergency

Household emergency damage costing Brits nearly £4 billion

Households across the country are spending a massive £527.30 per household emergency, a total of £3.7bn across the UK

Study finds majority of Brits are unprepared for their financial futures

New research by lMoneySuperMarket, reveals many people in the UK haven’t even started thinking about their pension or saving for when they retire.
tenancy deposit

98% of Brits unaware of tenancy deposit rights

A brand new survey of over 1,000 Britons involved in the UK private rental sector has found a staggering and worrying lack of knowledge when it comes to tenancy deposit laws and rights
christmas workforce

Are we paying the Christmas workforce enough?

A new report has revealed the financial cuts by employees when rewarding their Christmas workforce
Financial markets in Europe

Financial markets in Europe: Is it possible to avoid a crisis?

Gunnar Hökmark MEP from the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) explores the world of financial markets in Europe and asks if it is possible to avoid a crisis. He also explains the potential impact of the role of disruptive change to new technologies on the market
breaking the bank

How to spread festive cheer without breaking the bank

Kelly Feehan, Service Director, CABA, provides us with some top tips on how you can still spread festive cheer without breaking the bank this Christmas 
Christmas bonus

Millions of workers to benefit from Christmas bonus

Millions of employees in the service industry could collect an early Christmas bonus from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
research budget

The finances of the European Union, including the research budget

The finances of the European Union, including the research budget is placed under the spotlight by Günther H.Oettinger, Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources at the European Commission
pension engagement

Pensions engagement and digitisation on the agenda as Minister visits HiBob

Guy Opperman MP, the Minister for Pensions, has paid a visit to HiBob - the transformative people management and pensions platform - and taken part in a discussion on the digitisation of pensions and driving engagement with saving for the future

Research on the effects of taxation on the economy, including labour supply

In the first of three articles, Bernd Hayo, Professor at the University of Marburg highlights recent macroeconomic research on the effects of taxation on the economy, including labour supply
modern investor

Why modern investors face greater challenges than ever before

The world keeps changing, and it sometimes seems as though the pace of change is increasing all the time. There are many problems and challenges facing modern investors that just weren't an issue 50, 20 or even ten years ago
money worries

Research reveals kids worry about their parents not having enough money

To mark Talk Money week, Equifax reveals how children deal with family money worries
pay gap in the UK

Bridging the gender pay gap in the UK

The latest data by the Office for National Statistics has found that, while the gender pay gap in the UK has fallen to its lowest ever level at 8.6%, the average woman in the workplace still earn less than the average man with the gap even wider for women aged over 40 with 12.8%

Small businesses receive boost from Budget plans

ECA and BESA’s call to protect SMEs from employment red tape and to increase support for engineering skills are reflected in the Budget plans announcement made by Chancellor Philip Hammond on Monday 29 October
low-paid work

Falling behind at 18 years old leaves low-paid work as only option for many

Think tank finds learners that fail to get GCSE-equivalent qualifications by 18 years old often fail to recover, with cuts to adult learning meaning they become trapped in low-paid work
Multiannual Financial Framework

European Union: Multiannual Financial Framework

Javier Doz Orrit, EESC Member for the Spanish Comisiones Obreras Trade Union and Rapporteur for the EESC opinion on the 2021-2027 MFF, European Economic and Social Committee, tells us everything we need to know about the EU Multiannual Financial Framework

Can labour-market inequalities be reduced by negotiating at the company level?

Pierre Courtioux, Research Director at the Economics Research Centre (EDHEC) probes if labour-market inequalities can be reduced by negotiating at the company level
cost of retirement

Most Brits massively underestimate cost of retirement

The UK’s future pensioners look set to be cash-strapped as most Brits either have no idea or are wildly underestimating the cost of retirement
english economy

Recreational angling puts £1.4bn into English Economy

Freshwater anglers contribute an estimated £1.4 billion annually to the English economy, supporting up to 27,000 full-time equivalent jobs, through their spending on the sport
cybersecurity professionals

Cybersecurity professionals see salaries increase 6% in one year 

Acumin Consulting has today unveiled its annual Salary Survey of UK cybersecurity professionals, detailing the typical salaries attained in roles across the sector

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