North America Analysis

Finance News

Within the Open Access Government Finance News section, you can find a wide variety of information on the changes in the financial sector.

We often explore the development of digital banking and the future of Fintech, along with the World Bank and World Trade Organisations (WTO) stories. You can also find expert opinions on many popular topics within this category along with insights into the financial changes in other countries.

This category also covers poverty and pensions in the UK along with any legal changes to financial law. Up to date articles are available on fiscal policy and trade wars within the sector.

Labour says it will replace any funding shortfalls caused by Brexit

Labour has committed to replace regional funding lost as a result of leaving the EU, it has emerged… A multi-billion pound commitment has been made...

BCC cuts UK growth forecast following Brexit vote

Following the vote to leave the EU, the British Chamber of Commerce has cut its forecast for growth to 1.8 per cent, down from...

Last quarter sees real-terms pay rise

A new analysis has revealed workers received a real-terms pay rise during the last quarter… Pay analysts at XpertHR have revealed employees saw a slight...

House prices to fall next year due to Brexit

A new report has warned Brexit uncertainty will see the housing market contract next year… A new report from estate agency Countrywide has said it...

Digital tax system timeline set by HMRC

HMRC has set a timeline for when it will upgrade its system to introduce digital tax accounts… It is expected that by 2020, HM Revenue...

UK’s membership to the single market boosts GDP

New research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies has found staying in the single market could add an extra four percent to the UK’s...

Brexit vote has not slowed UK consumer spending

A new survey has revealed despite the shock of the Brexit vote the UK has continued to spend… New figures suggest UK consumers have continued...

Start-up businesses outside London are more resilient

Small firms based outside the capital survive longer and are more resilient to economic changes, according to a new report… Fewer than two out of...

European Commission announces call for tenders for fintech study

A tender notice has been issued by the European Commission relating to a study into the financial technology sector… A tender worth €350,000 has been...

Birmingham Council launches £33m business growth scheme

Businesses in Lichfield are set to benefit from a new programme, aimed at helping with expansion and growth… The Business Growth Programme will help business...
pension fund

MPs urge stronger pension protection

New rules aimed at protecting workplace pension holders may be necessary MPs have said after retailer BHS failed… Following the failure of major retailer BHS,...

Brexit decision has significant impact on economic activity

New data has suggested the impact of the vote to leave the EU has caused a “dramatic deterioration” in economic activity… The UK’s economic activity...
housing market

Overseas buyers have increased mortgage enquiries since Brexit

The number of overseas buyers enquiring about mortgages has doubled since the Brexit decision… deVere Mortgages, a firm that specialises in UK mortgages for expats...

IFS says pensioners prosper while income falls for young people

Young people have seen a drop income, with pensioners seeing an increase, according to a new report from the IFS… According to the think tank...

European Commission launches two financial instruments

The European Commission has launched two new financial instruments for ESI Funds investments to help young businesses and sustainable urban development… The European Commission has...

UK financial markets recovering in the wake of Brexit vote

After the financial markets slumped last Friday there has been some growth in the value of the pound as well as UK shares… Following the...

George Osborne moves to reassure the UK markets

This morning George Osborne made a statement assuring the UK the government would move to strengthen the economy and that Britain is still open...

Construction and property offer growth post-Brexit

The construction industry could offer the key to thriving outside the EU, while the property sector expects to see some growth… Construction could remain a...

Business leaders throw their support behind remain

Major heads of businesses and industry have come out in support of the Remain campaign… With only a few days until the EU referendum vote...
time to sell

Plans to sell off Shropshire Council sites to be discussed

Councillors at Shropshire Council will discuss plans to sell off smallholdings in the next few months it has emerged… Shropshire Council is expected to discuss...

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