
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

Ukraine refugees, eu

UK acceptance of Ukrainian refugees comes with conditions

The UK has relaxed policies to allow Ukrainian refugees to safely enter Britain – but why have these policies not matched the generosity of some EU States?
petrol prices

Petrol prices jump above £1.50 for the first time

For the fourth month in a row, UK petrol prices have risen again, with February hitting an all time high.
Russia and Ukraine, Putin

Historic timeline of Russia and Ukraine conflict

Russia has launched an attack on the former Soviet republic, as President Putin stands against Ukraine from joining the NATO military alliance – he claims he is defending the people from Ukraine’s ‘militarisation’.
gun violence increased,

Homicide and gun violence increased in US following the pandemic

Levels of drug market activity and increased police activity in US cities were strongly associated with higher in gun violence rates during the COVID-19 pandemic.
russian disinformation

Recognising the dangers of Russian disinformation in Ukraine

Russian forces have launched an assault on major Ukrainian cities, however, there is another battle going on online concerning Russian disinformation.
higher infection rates

Higher infection rates amongst politically authoritarian countries

The politics of COVID-19 is intertwined with infection rates, where researchers highlight the linear transmission rate in more authoritarian areas.
child marriage rape, statutory rape

Child marriage: The legal loophole which violates statutory rape laws

Child marriages devise loopholes for sexual abuse against children – with a study showing that child marriages violate statutory rape laws in 14 states.
energy urban europe

Energy efficiency & investment in urban Europe

Open Access Government explores the stance of Eurocities on energy efficiency & investment priorities in cities throughout Europe
long-term employment refugee, refugees jobs

Long-term employment prospects of refugees decline after five years

Research finds that the longer refugees are living in the U.S., the lower their likelihood of finding long-term employment becomes, even with the assistance of employment services.
social value public sector

Solving social value in the public sector

Gavin Rimmington, the Head of Public Sector at YPO, explains how to solve social value in the public sector
Roma europe

The Roma community in Europe

Jo & Toby Gorniak from Street Factory CIC, with Rosa Cisneros (C-DaRE), shed light on the Roma community in Europe, including its diversity
dismantle crime, levelling up

Levelling Up promises £3 billion on drug enforcement

Neighbourhood crime is at the heart of the policy, with the UK promising to cut homicide, serious violence and more by 2030.
UK spending deprived areas, levelling up

UK spending in most deprived areas fell by 31% over last decade

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) finds that between 2010 and 2020, UK Government spending for the most deprived areas fell by 31% per person.
Paris agreement deforestation

Paris Agreement: Are governments doing enough to tackle deforestation?

While schemes to tackle deforestation have been moderately successful, their impact has been "tiny" compared to the promises of the Paris Agreement.
levelling up communities, uk government

Levelling Up: Communities do not need to catch up, they need a new model

Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Development, says that communities need a new model for Levelling Up.
the dinner table test, islamophobia

Islamophobia still passes “the dinner-table test”

In 2011, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi said that Islamophobia passed "the dinner table test" - ten years later, Islamophobia accounts for 45% of documented religious hate crimes.
european commission microchip production. european chips act

European Commission to “radically raise” microchip production

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that Europe would "radically raise" microchip production - predicting that demand will "double in the next decade".
german abortion

Germany taking steps towards removing Nazi-era abortion law

German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann, is attempting to overturn a Nazi-era law forbidding medical professionals to share information on abortion procedures.
Populism pandemic, populist

The collapse of populist support during the pandemic

A new mega-dataset finds that during the pandemic, support for populist parties and politicians has minimised since 2020.
political adverts

Researchers say political adverts don’t work on swing voters

New study suggests that both positive and negative election video ads are unlikely to sway voters from the opposition New study explored supporters on both...

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