
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

G7 COVID vaccine, trips

G7 leaders agree to donate 8% of necessary COVID vaccines

The G7 meetings produced a new donation of 870 million COVID vaccines to struggling countries, with no progress on a waiver for vaccine patents.
irish action plan, business and human rights

Can the Irish Action Plan support business and human rights?

Professor Martha O’Hagan, Trinity Business School, discusses the human rights potential of a second Irish National Action Plan.
vacant property, buildings

Repurposed buildings: How to best manage the vacant property until that happens?

Repurposing could be the answer to the social and affordable housing shortage. But how can we manage a vacant property until that happens? Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians Management Ltd, explore.
public bodies

Public procurement, a brave new world?

Peter Ware, Partner and Head of Government sector at Browne Jacobson, discusses public procurement and the extent to which this is a brave new world.
obesity prevention

Queen’s Speech addresses key obesity prevention plans

Mhairi Brown, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Action on Salt and Action on Sugar, ponders the Queen's speech discussing the Government’s commitment to legislate their key obesity prevention plans by 2022.
origins of COVID-19, wuhan covid

US pushes for investigation into origins of COVID-19

President Biden asked US intelligence agencies to begin investigating the origins of COVID-19 yesterday (26 May) - the international WHO team were unable to access all available data in their March trip to Wuhan.
local economic growth, property

Property: An enabler to kick-start local economic growth

Dr Janet Young, Government Chief Property Officer for the UK government and a Director General in the Cabinet Office, explains why property is seen as an enabler to kick-start local economic growth.

The future of Europe: digital, green, but first of all democratic!

Christa Schweng, President, European Economic and Social Committee, states that the future of Europe is digital, green, but first of all, democratic!
COVID Certificate

Parliament and Council agree on EU Digital COVID Certificate proposal

The European Parliament and the Council have reached an agreement on the Commission's proposal of the EU Digital COVID Certificate.
UK rape cases, sexual

New data finds 1.6% of UK rape cases lead to charges

The Guardian revealed new data analysis of the Home Office figures on crime, finding that only 1.6% of UK rape cases led to charges in 2020 - which is 843 out of 52,210.
COVID impact on society, healthcare

COVID-19 and its impact on society

European Public Health Association Executive Director, Dineke Zeegers Paget, updates us about COVID-19 and its impact on society, public health, healthcare and equitable access to vaccines.
us extremist groups, boogaloos

New research explores digital evolution of US extremist groups

On 6 January, 2021, the world watched as an angry crowd broke into the US capitol building - here, researchers explore the evolution of US extremist groups and how this moment of violence happened.
transforming citizen engagement

What lasting legacies of COVID-19 will local government take forward?

Lorraine Smith, Divisional Managing Director at Civica, discusses how the pandemic has not only re-shaped local government when it comes to new ways of working but also in transforming citizen engagement.
shared prosperity fund, regeneration uk

Supporting economic growth & regeneration in the UK

Bev Hurley CBE, Chair of the Institute of Economic Development, calls for "a sharp and clear focus" in the Shared Prosperity Fund to reduce inequality.
foster care support

Social welfare research: Foster care support

Professor Kayoko ITO works on a range of social welfare and social work studies, including a foster care support model, as we discover here.
roman law

Reception and beyond: Observing current social issues in Japan from the perspective of Roman...

Here, Professor Mariko Igimi discusses the reception of Roman Law in Japan.
eviction ban

Eviction ban extension – is it out of hand?

Andy Jansons, Managing Director of Jansons Property, discusses the eviction ban extension and explores when the line should be drawn.
US TRIPS waiver, intellectual property

What happens now that the US supports the TRIPS waiver?

Rachel Thrasher, Research Fellow at the Global Development Policy Center in Boston, explains how the new US stance could change the TRIPS waiver debate.
european commission trips waiver, vaccines

European Commission hesitates on TRIPS waiver for pandemic

The European Commission on Thursday (6 May) responded to a US declaration of support for the TRIPS waiver, stating that they were open to further discussions without explicit agreement.
TRIPS waiver, intellectual property

US declares support for TRIPS waiver on COVID vaccines

The TRIPS waiver would temporarily stop an intellectual property law that stops poorer countries to manufacture the vaccine - the US now joins India and South Africa in the proposal.

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