The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
Simon Payne, Client Director at Proxima, discusses the challenges that public sector procurement teams are facing and how they can deliver social value.
Here, Richard Beardsworth, Professor of International Relations at the University of Leeds, continues his series on the nature of progressive state leadership, pondering a new normative framework for political action and climate leadership.
The Lancet found that over 55% of deaths via police violence were either misclassified or unreported in official statistics reports - a critical erasure of information between 1980 to 2018.
According to the changes, beginning 30 September, companies bidding for government contracts worth over £5 million must commit to Net Zero emissions by 2050.
A report by Femicide Census, an organisation that documents women killed by men, found that one woman is killed every three days in the UK - now, the rate of murder shows "no signs of reducing".
Digital Editor at Open Access Government updates us on the Government Digital Service roadmap for 2021-2022 to ensure GOV.UK is accessible and personalised.
Julian Hayes, Partner, and Umar Azmeh, Associate, of BCL Solicitors LLP, examine the proposals for GDPR reform outlined in the government consultation on changes to the UK’s data protection regime.
UEYAMA Takahiro PhD, details Japan’s 6th Science, Technology and Innovation Basic Plan: Society 5.0 in Pursuit of Peoples’ Well-being Based on Trust and Sharing.
Yesterday (15 September), Prime Minister Boris Johnson conducted a Cabinet reshuffle - former education secretary Gavin Williamson fired, and Liz Truss replacing Dominic Raab as foreign secretary.
Sato Kan Hiroshi from the Institute of Developing Economies in Japan, charts research activities concerning the social impact of development aid in developing countries.
Louise Sunderland, Local Government Sector Lead at Ignite Consulting, outlines three steps that public sector organisations can take to deliver genuine value from their technology investment.