The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
Tim Kiely, Criminal Barrister at Red Lion Chambers, discusses the #CurfewForMen as a wake-up call on societal acceptance of "violent male behaviour toward women".
A new report by the Public Accounts Committee found that the UK Test and Trace strategy, costing roughly £37 billion over two years, failed to ever meet 24 hour test result deadlines.
China have created a digital vaccine passport that can tell authorities if a person has taken the COVID vaccine or been sick with the virus recently - a clean record will be needed for citizens to enter grocery shops.
Fatima Katergi, Senior Programmes Officer and Abid Shah UK Programmes Manager at Human Appeal, describes the role of the humanitarian sector concerning emergency relief in a pandemic which is more difficult, but certainly more necessary.
Nishat spoke to Laura Fatio, co-founder of Refúgio 343, who discusses her work to support the Venezuelan refugee crisis in Brazil and how COVID changed things.
Following publication of the Social Housing and Planning White Papers, Mark Alcock, principal risk manager at, Equib, offers Registered Providers his expert advise as they plan for a post-pandemic future.
Today (3 March) Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled the highly-anticipated 2021 budget, which proposes a variety of policy changes, including extension of the furlough scheme and funding domestic abuse "respite rooms" .
Karen Steel at Granicus discusses how local government communications could significantly help to stop the spread of COVID misinformation, especially when it comes to vaccinations.
"By failing students, the wider economy suffers", says Lydia Jones, CEO and Founder of Housemates. Here she provides insight into how badly students have been affected by the pandemic and how the lack of government funding has negatively impacted student accommodation operators.
The Government unveiled the confirmed priority groups for phase two of UK vaccinations - the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is choosing age as the deciding factor.
Homes account for just under 30% of energy use and around 20% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK - what does this mean for the UK's Green Homes Grant Scheme?
Gábor Egry, Director-General at the Institute of Political History and principal investigator of Horizon 2020 funded project NEPOSTRANS, dissects the ideologies that shaped and outlived the Habsburg Empire.
Currently, 16% of the global population have pre-ordered 70% of available COVID vaccines in 2021 - a group of virus experts now warn that COVID will keep evolving unless low income countries can access vaccines.
Rachel Thrasher, Research Fellow at the Global Development Policy Center in Boston, explains how the TRIPS COVID-19 waiver rejected by the WTO could ramp up global vaccine production.
Tracey Lethbridge, head of UK public sector at OpenText, discusses how digital technologies could empower governments and their people during the current pandemic and beyond.