The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
Tony Perkins, Chief Executive at LHA London Ltd, calls on the Government to provide more emergency shelter to the homeless during the new lockdown and bitter cold weather.
Jean-Sebastien Connell, Consultant at Atkins, discusses the need for a security and resilience strategy for UK borders in a post-Brexit world
With the UK border...
In April 2020, the EHRC found that people with disabilities may struggle with pandemic adjustments to legal proceedings - but just how accessible were Britain's courthouses, before COVID-19?
Peter Ford, Public Sector Industry Principal at Pegasystems, explores some of the top trends for the public sector in 2021 which include chatbots, intelligent automation and citizen data scientists.
Twitter and Facebook froze President Donald Trump's accounts to discourage the extremists who broke into the Capitol Building - but was it too little, too late?
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced that businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors are to receive a one-off grant worth up to £9,000 amid third UK lockdown.
As of midnight tonight (20 December), London and the South East will enter strict Tier 4 restrictions - which includes no household mixing over Christmas, and no commuting to work.
Nadine Smith, UK Director, Centre for Public Impact, explores why the Government must learn to listen to the communities they so desperately want to share public health information with.
Philip Turvey, executive director at Anglia Research, outlines why businesses need to use the return to normality as an opportunity to draw a line under unethical practice in 2021.
Christa Schweng, President, European Economic and Social Committee details the shaping of post-COVID-19 EU and argues that this is only possible with an organised civil society.
Here Professor Richard Beardsworth, University of Leeds, continues his series on progressive state leadership by suggesting how it can spearhead the political vision of sustainable development.
The United Kingdom is about to leave the EU – but there are opportunities to rebuild a strong partnership around a more circular economy, states Professor Raimund Bleischwitz, Director of UCL Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources.
László Andor, Secretary General of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and former Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (2010-2014), argues that we now have a third chance for European solidarity in this politics COVID-19 focus.
Infrastructure in the developed world is creaking – we estimate that over $4.6 trillion of spend is required by 2035 to keep pace with needs, and a Green Book refresh won't do it.