The latest government news focussing on the transition to a greener future, international immigration and global human rights laws, crime legislation, the UK housing landscape and the latest government policy.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.
In the 2020 summer of Black Lives Matter protests, police militarisation was everywhere, with tanks rolling in the streets, officers dressed in full combat gear and armed with automatic weaponry - the question is, does it help to control crime?
Rob Solly, Division Head, Defence and Security Analysis, tells us how the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) signals a bright future for SME research in defence and security.
Sue Bateman, Deputy Director for Data and Innovation at the Government Digital Service (GDS), explores data use in government and in this vein, where we’re going next.
Joanne Sweeney, Chief Executive Officer of Public Sector Marketing Institute, shares the top three social media trends for 2021 that relate to government and public sector specifically.
Digital and Technology Services Director at Opencast Software Jason Kay gives us an insight into UK digital transformation, and how the Government is paving the way for sustainable and effective digitisation.
Dr Koen Bartels, Senior Lecturer in Public Management at the University of Birmingham, discusses the importance of taking an interpretive approach to policy making.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday (23 November) announced his UK winter plan to the House of Commons, proposing a mass community testing scheme, stricter Tiers, and weekly tests for prison staff.
The Commission announced the adoption of their first official LGBTQ equality strategy - how will this be felt in Member States which oppose LGBTQ rights?
Under new Government guidance, university students will be allowed to travel home for Christmas on staggered departure dates to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Emily Malcolm from Toybox argues that empowering mothers of street children through business has important ripple effects to change the future for generations to come in this fascinating poverty focus.
June O’Sullivan MBE, CEO of London Early Years Foundation (LEYF), stresses the need for the Government to make the free school meal voucher scheme available to all children, including those below the age of five.
The study showed that fear of dwindling resources and job insecurity could distract individuals from following COVID-19 regulations for Americans across 43 states.
James Herbert, founder and CEO of new London-headquartered tech firm, Foundry4, discusses the importance of upgrading government digital services to support an economic recovery.