
Keir Starmer announces abolition of NHS England to cut bureaucracy and focus on patient care

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced plans to abolish NHS England, hoping to cut down on unnecessary bureaucracy and bring the health service back under central government control.

An SME guide to securing government contracts

Samuel Johnston, CMO at BookingLive, shares tips on how SME's can bid on and secure government contracts in a time when innovation is crucial in the public sector.

How the ‘major overhaul’ of the family courts aims to protect domestic abuse victims

Lucinda Holliday, head of family and divorce at Blaser Mills Law, discusses what the new overhaul of how the family courts deal with horrific crimes includes and how it will help protect those impacted by domestic abuse.

Uncovering the barriers to fostering, during the pandemic and beyond

To encourage and inspire new potential foster carers to step forward, Bristol City Council decided it needed to understand just what nudges people over the line, and what holds them back.

Social value in a post-COVID-19 world

Social Value Portal discusses how rethinking social value priorities to reflect the current and future challenges of COVID-19 is crucial for sustainable social value.

What the UK can learn about vital COVID-19 testing

James Raftery, freelance political analyst and researcher, explores the ongoing realities of COVID-19 testing in the UK.

COVID-19: Maintaining quality control in testing times

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, UKAS highlights the importance of maintaining quality control in testing times.

COVID-19 and crisis management: Reflecting upon challenges faced in the public sector

Dr Phillip Whiteman, Lecturer in Public Policy at the University of Birmingham, reflects on how the public sector has responded to the initial challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Humanitarian affairs: The case for anticipatory action

UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Lowcock, stresses the importance of anticipatory action when it comes to humanitarian affairs.

Will the UK learn from COVID-19 mistakes affecting vulnerable communities?

Family law Barrister Paula Rhone-Adrien speaks about the suffering of vulnerable people in the wake of COVID-19 mistakes by the UK.

PusH: Precarious Housing in Europe, pushing for innovation in higher education

Here, Gideon Bolt (Utrecht University) and Sybille Münch (Leuphana University) introduce the Erasmus+ project PusH and the issue of precarious housing, particularly in higher education.

The Trump effect: Racism has become fashionable again

Here, Ana González, Partner at Wilson, discusses her work with Central Americans applying for asylum whilst navigating the increasingly hostile attitude toward them, known as The Trump effect.

Barrister: “All prosecutions under the Coronavirus Act have been unlawful”

Laura Jane Miller, Red Lion Chambers, explains the mistakes made when prosecuting under the Coronavirus Act.

Reviving the UK’s local economies in light of COVID-19

Gordon Mole, Head of Business and Employability at Fife Council and a Director of the Institute of Economic Development, shares his thoughts on reviving the UK’s local economies in light of COVID-19.

The expected evolution of the China-UK trade relationship

Dr Yu Jie, associate at LSE IDEAS and senior research fellow at Chatham House, dissects the possible evolution of the China-UK trade relationship.

Japan and EU work on strategic partnership for COVID-19 pandemic

President von der Leyen, Council President Charles Michel and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe, discussed the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Does working from home disadvantage women?

Professor Patricia Lewis of Kent Business School discusses how the COVID-19 lockdown has disadvantaged women working from home whilst caring for their children.


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